Friday, April 23, 2010

fugly button redux

You might remember the "fugly buttons" post.
These are some simple ones that I did just for fun.

I happened to mail one to Dianne with her tea stuff and look what she made with it:
I just love love love it - don't you!!!??!!!!
She has 2 blogs:
 Bits and Pieces of D where she blogs about "life in general according to me"
and Pieces of D where she shares her art.
Drop by and say hello .... if you scroll down just a day or 2 you'll find this brooch and you can tell her how cool it is :)


Jane said...

It IS cool. What a great idea!

ale said...

how beautiful kimmie your bouttons!!!!!and l love your proyects in the earth day!!!
l choose you in a kind of game we are playing in the blogs...the game consist in posting your post (again) n° 10...and to choose 5 other blogs to continue want to play??? besos,bigg kisses kimmie and have a lovely and happy weekend!!

sharon said...

Very cool idea, and thanks for sharing!! Love the buttons and the brooch!

heather noye said...

Love these!!!

ooglebloops said...

I did visit her blog the other day and saw the pin!! I am still waiting for the right place to use my no longer fugly button!!!

Carola Zajdman said...

Love them all !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimmie..

your button is great...the foundation of every great artful creation is a 'great creation'.
I love what Dianne did...she's a crafty one!

ciao bella...
creative carmelina

Renee Howell said...

way cool - I want one, I want one. Guess I'll have to figure out the glue aspect of sticking things on buttons. I don't know glue very well.

Terri Kahrs said...

V-E-R-Y coooool!!!! LOVE it! Not so fugly anymore!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Dianne said...

Thanks Kimmie! And I just love your buttons. I'm planning on altering some myself.

Linda Vincent said...

Now thats verry pretty - great work Dianne! (I like the fugly button transformation.)
Thank you for adding a new word to my vocabulary ;-)

ELK said...

taking such an ordinary thing .. the button and you both really made it magical!!

Nettie Edwards said...

I'm coveting those buttons Kimmie!!!