I think this sign will be done soon :)
I've been adding to it a little bit at a time with the creative prompts over at Mixed Media Monday. This week's prompt was "numbers."

I did a little research on Prime Numbers for another project (see farther below). The numbers strung up here are what I'm calling the childhood primes. All the prime number ages of childhood. So many of the friends we welcome to our door are children - so I thought this would fit perfectly on my "welcome and peace" sign.

And then I have a brother turning 47 this year. When I originally made this little 2X4 I found out what a special kind of prime number 47 is.
I added the word descriptors of "47" that I found in wikipedia as a strung up addition.
He's a really smart guy - so I think he'll appreciate it - in a geeky kind of way ;)

this is an ongoing project of fabulous fun! you inspire me...do I say that every time?
this is fascinating -- it's prompted me to look into the significance of prime numbers -- your art is such a fine combination of the esoteric and homespun, Kim -- thank you for that!
The cool thing about primes is that they have only one multiplier - the number one and itself. It occurred to me that maybe these years could be significant "self" years. Not in a bad way. Maybe they are markers of - "now you will grow some more in your "self."" ..... I know .... I'm out there :)
I love how you keep adding on to this piece..it well be so full of meaning when you are finally finished. I like how you researched the number's..fantastic
Wow Kimmie this is extraordinary.
Fantastic piece of art. Love them all.
Kimmie, You are so talented. I love how you incorporated the prime numbers in this project. You inspire me.
Prime numbers - who'da think it???? You are so talneted!!! Glad you're back from your break and it's full steam ahead, creatively, I see!!
Very interesting :) What a beautiful welcome to put by your door. I must go look at prime numbers. Glad you're back :)
Great thought behind your numbers addition Kimmie. It's a joy to watch your welcome sign emerge!
~*~ Patty
Thia is a great idea for the project. Beautiful!
x Natasha x
You are amazing. I'd love to consult with you on a project I have in mind with some small woven pieces I have.
I like how Elizabeth describes your art. It tells such a story. WOW!!
i love how your MMM project has progressed!! wonderful!
very kewl!!!!
It's looking fantastic, Kim! I'm going to miss it when it's done :-) Diane
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