Green Tea Preparation ...
This tea is gyokuro loose leaf tea. It is grown in the shade and has a more delicate flavor and lighter color. I enjoy green tea because a fresh pot of properly brewed green tea tastes like the middle of summer. Part of the process involves cooling the water before brewing. You need one extra cup to pour the hot water back and forth between the pot and the cups (having the extra cup reminds me of setting a place at the table for Elijah). The reason for cooling the water is that if the water is too hot, or if the tea steeps too long you have a bitter brew. Making a pot of this tea requires stopping and paying attention to what you're doing. It's not a tea bag dropped into a mug fresh out of the microwave.
Here is the brewed and poured tea. When it is poured, you have to pour a little into the first cup a little into the second cup a little into the 1st and so on until both cups are filled. Since it's just me today, I truly do have a place set for Elijah. Or as I prefer to imagine it: for Jesus.
My favorite mug - hmmmm, what to do with it? I'll tell you one thing - it is NOT gong to the landfill ......
Coming into week 8 of the Disintegration Project. The pages are dotted with flecks of "black algae" .... something I never knew existed until living here in the Pacific Northwest ... it's Not nice .... but nevertheless it lends a willing hand in this project.
Love watching your outdoor project, thanks for posting the photos. Sort of living my own process through yours. Love the idea of sharing the tea, as well.
ooo sooo sorry about your favorite mug! your green tea looks delish!
Gel medium is a wonderful glue Kimmie! I fixed my fav colorbox stylus when the end snapped off, good as new!
In the end I think we may be scanning our "disintegration" experiment pages to use in artwork...fun seeing the progress
thanks for the tea break :)
I have never done that with the loose leaf tea - green or otherwise - learn something new every day!! Microwaved tea does NOT taste the same!!!
Gorilla glue should have your cup good as new!!!!
LOVE green tea and the photos to go along show such artistry...how long does the disintegration project last?
broken cup = planter in my house!
ELK - May 1st will be when everyone posts their results. I may keep mine out until we get some good hot sunshine to dry out all that mildew on it.
i just had an idea for your favorite mug..maybe you could glue a charlotte doll from top to bottom with E6000 glue and wire wrap with beads around the mug parts....
or a planter would be a good idea too! maybe a mint plant to flavor your tea!
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