yesterday, we took a day trip up to Mount Rainier National Park
... a great place to stay-cation in Western Washington ...
The Mountain - with the beginnings of a hat cloud at the top |
wildflowers emerging from the snow |
glacier lily |
western anemone |
Sunrise Lodge with Mt. Rainier in the background |
why does someone climb a mountain? because it is there |
a young bear looking for better berries on the other side of the road |
mackerel sky, mackerel sky, not long wet, not long dry |
I just realized that Mount Rainier (Ray-Near) is spelled Rain-ier
as in "it's rainier here than anywhere"
... well not so much in the summertime ...
Wonderful photos. Thought it was summer there ??? You still have snow, the Ozie in me thinks that amazing !! xx
Beautiful photos.
It's hard to believe that you can just do that -- drive somewhere and see those incredible flowers coming out of snow in July!
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! Although they make living in the UK look so grey! =)
Wow! What a day trip....that glacier lily is beautiful....and you saw a bear too:)
So beautiful! I can remember our family vacations in Colorado -- seeing bits of snow as we wound our way up the mountains was always so exciting for me and my brother since we hailed from the South where snow was rare. Rainier describes your area perfectly. :) Have a great day. Tammy
looks like a perfectly gorgeous day...thank you for sharing your beautiful visions...xo
beautiful. i love it here in the northwest. great pictures, love the flowers.
Wow! Such beautiful terrain! I was out there in August of 1980, a few months after Mt. St. Helens erupted. I loved it! Went hiking in the cascades and spent some time in Seattle. I've always wanted to go back. Just how bad are the winters out there?
My kinda place ... snow in July and at Christmas! Great photos :D
So lovely! I remember standing under a little shelf of snow as a child on Mt. Hood in mid-July, laughing like crazy thinking it was so funny to be in a "sunsuit" in the snow. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. :)
What a wonderful day
and post
and makes me really want to see that in person
Beautiful Kimmie!
I'm sitting here with perspiration running off my brow and you are in the land of SNOW!! That is simply unfair. Gosh, those photos are worth at least 10,000 words. What a gorgeous stay-cation. I could never do anything like that where I live. But, if you want to see a picture of a dead, dried up wheat field, I'd be glad to oblige.
gorgeous. flowers in the snow,,, inspiring. and love the bear.
ahhhh. The snow looks refreshing!!!
That looks so much like where I live! We are having cool temps for the summer. Mid 50's. I still feel like summer has not arrived yet. We've always said "Mackerel skies and mare's tails make tall ships shorten sail" a little different than yours, but means some high winds and rain are coming soon!
Snow, so white and cool, and the flowers... and even a bear. What a lovely day you share here.
Ah, the coolness of snow. That is so dreamy. I love your photos. So relaxing! I am daydreaming as I write this :) .
Those yellow flowers are stunning! Great shot! Love the bear too :)
Awesome photos from the flowers and that bear, oh my!
There's no place like home :) and it looks like you have a beautiful place to explore....I love BC too, so many gorgeous places to visit.
Wonderful photos. I grew up in Washington State and picked many of those yellow wildflowers for my mother. I think we called them Shooting Stars.
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