as I was having my morning cuppa,
I read over my previous post
and thought I was short on a few details about that so-called super easy box to make
o.k. - laugh at my book
it was FREE
on the FREE BOOKS shelf at my used bookstore
so detail number one is:
use a book that you (or just about anyone else) won't be needing later
(if you needed this book - sorry, it's too late now)
next detail:
cutting the corners out is easiest done using crummy scissors that cut through ANYTHING
and then:
score your lines on the FRONT side of the book
(also, it WILL have an imperfect and ragged appearance - do NOT strive for perfection)
and lastly:
if you are covering the top edges like I did,
do it BEFORE assembling (folding) the box together
now, before you go looking for your local used bookstore and their shelf of free books,
put the kettle on and make yourself a nice hot cuppa
those old books aren't going anywhere
and thanks ever so for stopping by for tea!
I love it when you do!
(p.s. I'm on a school field trip today, so I'll stop by the blogs later on this afternoon)