Wednesday, February 16, 2011

sewing seeds illuminated

the spring sewing is nearly complete

taking advantage of sunbreaks today

to get that backlight photography I love so much

teabag paper, an old sheet, a seed catalog and 3 year old seeds I've saved

my favorite flower
these seeds are trying their darndest to work their way out


Halle said...

Are you planning on "planting" this piece?
The stitching and seeds are beautiful. What is the fabric??

Terri Kahrs said...

This piece is ethereal and wonderful, Kimmie. I love the smell and color of marigolds and enjoy sprinkling those colorful petals on my salads. (sigh!) Now I'm yearning for spring -- you've given me hope with this lovely creation. Hugs, Terri xoxox

Elizabeth said...

What are you doing here-- I am so curious.

sukipoet said...

lovely and interesting. i love marigolds too and one year made calendula products from...did I use the flowers? I forget.

Caterina Giglio said...

just love it Kim!! the marigold are just wonderful! why do I think you will be planting this??? lol?

Yvonne said...

That looks really cool! Love the shape of some seeds.

ooglebloops said...

An interesting concept - will it be planted?

ELK said...

such a wonderful way to bring nature together in a very unique way

Gayle Pritchard said...

The seeds are so beautiful. It is so amazing how they store the promise of life, and of spring!