We enjoyed egg salad sandwiches last night - and I couldn't bear to toss the beautiful shells :)
I envisioned the eggshells on my ongoing Mixed Media Monday piece as a great material for some mosaic texture to go with the dots. It gave me some very lovely decompression time with a very quiet house and a simple but colorful task and after an afternoon of right brain total saturation I feel ready to face the rest of the week .....
I think this piece is turning into a "peace sign"of sorts for my front porch. I'll do more next week using next week's prompt "mermaids." Hmmmm the gears are already turning .....

For previous posts concerning this evolving project click HERE
the eggshells made the perfect accompliment to your sign - i can't believe it, really, i loved the way you set it up and showed us the eggshells first - like what the hey can she do? - then walah! I hope you donate your brain to science when you don't need it anymore!
The egg shells worked beautifully! I really want to try using the shells in a mixed media piece now. And now I need to go some egg salad. mmmm!
My kids are going to love you, cause now I have to have them make MORE eggs so I can create something with them!
the colors and ideas just flow from here ~wow!
Unique idea ..it amazing piece..I'd love it by my door as well. A nice home decor. The shells remind me of colored stone or tile..cool idea to use them up!!
What a beautiful piece this is evolving into!!
Ohh--- I can't wait for your mermaids. We have a special spot for them over here.
And I must tell everyone that Kimmie sent me the most BEAUTIFUL inchies, a teacup and kind, kind note. Thank you so much Kimmie for the most wonderful, unique gift I've ever received from "a stranger"! I love our friendship and will think of you as I look over each piece of art.
wow! I love what this piece has become! and how original to use eggshells in your work- v.inspiring indeed:-)
This is beautiful, Kimmie - and to think I just crush up my eggshells and throw them in the garden!!! I have a piece of great weathered barn wood in the garden, I think I will clean it off and give this a try! You always inspire!!!1
What a beautiful mosaic...now thats something else I want to try!
Thank you for inspiring us...
Linda x
So glad you saved the beautiful egg shells! They are such an inspired addition to this piece!
Happy Easter, my friend.
oo this is beautiful! what a wonderful idea!!!
Kimmie, this is so much fun watching this piece develope. How clever of you to add the egg shells this week! Diane
This is quite amazing. Love the colors!
Love love LOVE this! The idea is so wonderful and inspired Kimmie!
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