Monday, February 22, 2016

queen for a day

Monday is usually my day.
Sometimes I just go back to bed.
Sometimes I get my house really clean.
Sometimes I make something.

today I made a crown
it says:

O F   Y ' A L L

Saturday, February 20, 2016


a first real attempt at acrylic painting
it was an agonizing process
- but I finally hit a sweet spot -

some of my thoughts: 
the shelter of trees, the shelter of houses, the live wood in one, the dead wood in the other, the diminished habitat of elephants, their rampages through villages, the grief in the aftermath, the "what if?" question about sharing our world and not dominating it, domination in general, the havoc it brings, the quest for shelter from havoc, we all want the same thing, man and beast alike. Solace.