Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Disintegration Update + Tea

My own personal Disintegration Project is coming into week 7 now. Last time I looked - this worldwide online collaboration was up to 80 participants - with new artists joining up every day. I give weekly updates on the progress of mine - but the main "unveiling" will be on May 1st. Click on the Disintegration tile in my side bar for the original post on Seth's blog - or click here for: "The Altered Page." He's an amazing artist and inspiration of global art collaboration. He has many other ongoing projects and his blog is continually being updated with the latest thing he's creating and is involved in.

It IS Tuesday, isn't it? Time for tea ......

I have this fabulous tea jar from China. You put your loose tea in the screened compartment here ....

Add hot water, screw on the lid and brew - either by shaking, or turning upside down .....

And enjoy! This tea is "Montana Gold" a red rooibus blended tea with oranges and cinnamon - yummmmm!

Stay warm today! Spring is on the calendar - so that must make it real - right!?!


ELK said...

just a wonderful post with lots of great photos...the tea jar is so cool! ELK

Nettie Edwards said...

Well, where to begin? so much to comment on today! Great to see the papers and cup of tea 9 as you know, my favourite!) Larry's paper's remain quite steadfast - perhaps it's the paper that councils print their bills on, but they are not looking too worn and ragged at all. It is quite warm and sunny here today, despite overnight frosts, so I'm pottering about in the garden and wondering where my grape hyacinths have got to, seeing yours peeping through the snow. Now, that tea thingy does look wonderful and the tea sounds absolutely delicious so I'm off to see where I can buy that! Thanks for stopping by at my place - always enjoy your visits x

Seth said...

Great shots of disintegration in action Kimmie! Nice to see images of the progress along the way.

ooglebloops said...

You have snow~~~ Maybe that is why your project is disintegrating so beautifully!!! Love the tea jar!!!

Rosie said...

Loved your green ATC Kimmie! This tea jar is fab and I can almost smell those spices from here!! =)

~*~Patty S said...

Grape hyacinths already, you lucky thing you! Those always have a special meaning to me each Spring! Your pages out in the snow almost look like corn tortillas... :) What a fun project this is, mine has been getting mizzled on for a few days now, heavier run may be on its way. Tea looks marvelous...what will they think of next.