Tuesday, April 13, 2010

t is for .....

and a
(the tea is Tazo - Ginger Green Tea to be exact)
ta ta for now

take time to taste tea with these other fine bloggers:


ooglebloops said...

Totally T-rific!!!
(still can't believe ALL those inchies!!!!LOL)

BadPenny said...

yes you need a cupa after making 99 inchies ! xx

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

T T Too fun!
Happy T Tuesday dear Kimmie!

Terri Kahrs said...

I can't even begin to imagine how many cups of tea I've had over the years while chatting with friends and family! It's one of my favorite things to do! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Odd Chick said...

You always make a tea party fun!! i'm still enjoying my Montana Gold and have even got my mom hooked on it.

ELK said...

so very clever Today

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Don't have heart failure, but I have never tasted Tazo tea. Never even seen it in the stores. But I love the post and your play on words. Happy Tea Tuesday.

S. Etole said...

your T days are such fun ...

Anonymous said...

tote ta tea awesome!

love your post!

the photo is great, setting us up for a relaxing afternoon on the couch chatting the hours away on the telephone!

ttf today!

creative carmelina

Dianne said...

Terrific Ts!

Susie Dally said...

Lovely visit with the T ladies, yet again. Thank you very much.

BadPenny said...

Kimmie we are making tem matchboxes in the swap - I've done eight !