It's a dreary day here in Western Washington.
Snow is falling in the mountains.
Rain is falling here.
I'm staying warm and cozy indoors with my tea :)

Today's tea is "Orange Dulce."
Dulce means sweet, and this tea does have a natural sweetness to it.
I think it might be orange blossoms.
Do you see the heart shaped petal in the mound of tea?
I've also pictured my very cool fold-over tea bags ... so much easier than a ball strainer.
Today is a good day for knitting too :)

These are the finished sweaters I made for my girls.
(Don't look too closely - you'll see the mistakes!)
But they love them - and feel an imaginary hug from Mom when they wear them to school.

This is a scarf I began ..... and it's got me excited for Christmas preparations.
Scarves and other quick knits are perfect, cozy, loving gifts to give.
This is a bulky wool on size 9 sticks.
The pattern is soooo easy!
Cast on 22 stitches.
Knit 2 Purl 2 - row 1.
Purl 2 knit 2 - row 2.
Knit row 3.
Purl row 4.
For row 5, repeat row 1.
For row 6, repeat row 2.
Purl row 7.
Knit row 8.
Repeat rows 1-8.
If this scarf doesn't come out very long (I only have 1 skein of the wool), I'll make a button hole and sew in a large button and it will be one you can button together .... more like a neck warmer. In any case, I'll show it when I'm done.
Cheers! and Happy Tuesday :)
Please visit my other Tea on Tuesday friends:
hot cups of tea and coffee are tasting better and better in the autumn chill
your precious girls and their pretty sweaters look absolutely perfect to me!
happy t on tuesday dear Kimmie!
Hi Kimmie- what a good mom you are, your girls look so happy! I will have to try that scarf pattern out, I can knit a little and it is not as daunting as a sweater! I forgot to tell you last week that I use Polyfil by Fairfield for stuffing the pincushions. PS it is pretty dreary here too!
What a cozy post! I would love to know the pattern for the cardigans -- I think I might make one for Sophie! I'm working on a scarf right now, the first thing I've knitted in years. I'd forgotten how relaxing and addictive it is!
I empathize with staying "in" today as it's damp, cold and dreary here in NJ. Your sweet tea (with that serendipitous heart!), the sweaters and the pattern warmed my inner spirit today. Thanks, Kimmie, for your kindness! Your girls are adorable!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
oo i'm so glad you showed the sweaters!! they are wonderful! i'm sorry i missed posting tea today, i even took a pic yesterday and forgot! i'll save it for next week...happy warm tea day...
Indeed it is a good day for tea. We have had a dreary damp day, too. I've enjoy several cups of tea to warm my bones.
Your knitting talent is outstanding. I so want to really learn to knit. I bet your girls are so pleased to have a mom who knits beautiful sweaters for them. They are darling.
Hi Kimmie - you are such an inspiration to me! Love it. We are supposed to have SNOW - as in maybe 12-24 inches of the stuff. I'm not too happy about it because I WANT to attend a technology and learning conference here in Denver. Hmmmm. We'll see. The scarf is wonderful - great color. And your girls look SO happy! We have 3 girls - grown now, but I so remember the stages!
hola kimmie!!!you are having a very very inspiring day!!!! snowing,a cup of that great tea,knitting!!...l love your girls and their lovely sweaters!!!! l send you lots of kisses!! (un monton de besos! )
Where did you get your tea bags? I have several different kinds - but haven't come across these yet!
Adorable girls and lovely sweaters!!!
your girls are adorable Kimmie love the sweaters and smiles all around!
Sweet orange tea sounds lovely.
Your girls make gorgeous models for your pretty cardies Kimmie!
Love the scarf too.....I'm saving that pattern, thank you!
The cardigans turned out great. You knit so fast!
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