
Thursday, August 29, 2013

coming up for air

it's been a full and fun week at the county fair
(one of my girls is in 4-H)
but I have to admit I'm happy for a little breathing room for the next few days

here's a snapshot of our week:

there's always so much to see
I love taking my camera around with me when there's any downtime at our booth
today's a rainy day and I'm tempted to just curl up and read my latest book
"Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress"
does it feel like summer is ending or has ended for you?
... it always makes me a little sad ...
but then I remember that spring is just a few months away
ok, ok, more like 6 months away - but who's counting?


  1. You have created and shared your wonderful week of Fair memories. I have not made it to our fairs this summer...Ken needs to visit the oncologists for radiation for so many days he is exhausted. Thank you for sharing the JOY! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. Yes, it does make me a little sad although I loved going back to school when I was a child. I have two in school and one to go --

  3. What a great composite Kim! I'm headed North to Massachusetts to see the season in where the season shines. I'll be with old friends, fabulous felines, and able to stare at stars I can never see in NYC. Joy.

  4. gosh 4 -H brings back memories of growing up in Michigan... bet you will have a lovely long and relaxing weekend...

  5. It's always fun to follow you around the fair. In two weeks, we'll have our fair, too, but I actually like yours better. I think because you are sharing it with your children and that makes it all the more fun.

    And it's still hot in Kansas. Sticky and humid from all the rain, now the sun is beating down like crazy. I'm really ready for autumn to get here.

  6. Love the positivity in 'Spring is only a few months away! I'm going to print that out and put it above my workspace. :-)
    Your photos are delightful....

  7. I always look forward to your county fair photos Kimmie!
    These are have me wondering what kind of booth you have?
    I am not letting go of summer quite yet...
    John Mayer concert on Saturday...
    still more barefoot days ahead here me thinks
    (admittedly I can be slow to embrace the change of seasons LOL)
    Happy end of August to you and yours ♥

  8. I remember those days with my kids. Fun times. Love your pics.
    Summer, well for a few days we dip down to the low nineties but today it reached 102 so far. I think we are in for summer awhile longer here in south Texas. That's okay, lots of pool time, beach time and iced tea! :)

  9. wonderful photo collage. love your optimism, spring is just around the corner. haha.


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