
Saturday, August 31, 2013

one man's trash

is another man's (woman's) treasure

I found bottle caps on my vaca
it was sad to find as many as I did - and I stopped picking them up after a while

I soaked them all in bleach water too - I have my limits for grossness

but I keep them and use them in my art
like in this piece
a reminder that paradise is not perfect

(masonite board, calendar art, embossed aluminum, rusted bottle cap)


  1. Smashed bottle tops...rusty and aged to perfection! I have seen and made frames...added them to leather bracelets....and created name plates for little ones! You are going to have so much fun....Happy Labor 's Day! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. What a wonderful way to recycle trash, and turn it into beauty.

  3. I'm always in awe of your ability to turn anything, absolutely anything into something of beauty and thought.

  4. fantastic! love the little stack of them...and your art...and your blog it all!!!

  5. Holy cow, Kimmie. That is one beautiful treasure you have created!

  6. Love your use of what is found. You get great bottlecaps put there. xox

  7. they are cute little things, like flattened berets. you are so inventive

  8. Love to recycle things into art, and your work is always so creative.

  9. " limits for grossness" ha! I used to. I think I still do...
    Glad you picked them up!

  10. I'm fascinated by these ... the deterioration of the colours and textures ... they have their own peculiar kind of beauty don't they.

  11. One person's trash is another's treasure! Great piece!

  12. I actually picked up a few rusted bottle caps while at the Mississippi Gulf Coast this summer. Again, you've created something lovely with something that's been tossed. Have a good week. Tammy

  13. Hello!

    I am Olga. I should not be looking at blogs right now, but I cheated just a little ;-)

    I just bought a house that will be my playhouse where to "make beauty". Much of what you show is so inspiering, how you turn trash into treasures for example :-)I can just imagine the great JOY you must have felt fiinding all these bottlecaps! (I would have) Were they already flattened like this, or did you do that? I was very, very thrilled also by the little pieces of glass that you attached photos to!

    So, now I will go on with my tasks after this little intermission of inspiration from you. Thank you!!


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