
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

zero to thirty thousand feet

I got to see the sun rise at sea level 

and watch it set a few hours later at 30,000 feet

it was our travel day - sweet and sad at the same time

this week: school registration and county fair

happily, we still have two weeks of summer break left
... but my toes are missing the sand ...


  1. All of my little ones are now back in school....the summer has had its ups and downs but it seemed to go way too fast. Enjoy these last cherished moments. Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. Welcome back! I've got two in school and Oliver goes back after Labor Day. We're going to try to make it to the beach a couple more times before it's all over!

  3. Welcome back. Sounds like a busy couple weeks for you...

  4. Cool views! Like us, it's back home. Good to go, but good to be back home. :)

  5. vacation withdrawal and adjusting to "normal" life certainly IS challenging...

    happy you had some lovely Aloha days dear Kimmie ♥

    Happy weekend to you and yours

  6. Love the photo of the toes in the sand (red polish goes rather well ;-)
    Hope you're enjoying those last 2 weeks......


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....