
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

crazy for journals

I love the Moleskine journals 
they come in all sizes
and they're easy to personalize

I added a photo transfer to the cover of this one:
(I'll use it for our summer vacation on Kauai)


 and this one has it's own case:
(it was easy to sew - if you sew - the elastic is a "goody" brand hair elastic - cool eh?)


I attached a photo to this one - it will be good for garden notes:
(I sanded the edges of the photo and peeled off the bottom layer of photo paper for easier adhesion)


 and this one (my favorite) is a photo directly transferred onto the cover:
(I prepped the cover with gesso for the foundation)


 "the Moleskine notebook is the heir and successor to the legendary notebook used by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries: among them Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and Bruce Chatwin. In 1997 a small Milanese publisher brought the legendary notebook back to life, and selected this name with a literary pedigree to revive and extraordinary tradition."


on a personal note - I really suck as a blogger lately
what's up with that?
I've lost my mojo for some reason
possible reasons:
busy life (mom)
other priorities (teenage kids)
oh wait - that must be it!
I'm a mom to teenage kids!
no one ever mentioned it was like having toddlers all over again

maybe I need to go back to tea posting 
- it really kept me on track -
 there's a lot to be said for that daily cuppa

... just some rambling thoughts ...


  1. Love the journals and the way you personalized them. I have a 22 year old so I know. Believe me....

  2. I think a lot of us have slowed down blogging as life is getting fuller. And, yes, teenagers require just as much time as small children!

  3. Love the journals.
    Mother of teens...I remember those days. LOL
    I miss tea day too, so maybe I will join in again, but around here it will be iced tea, as I think we had a short spring and have already gone into summer. LOL
    I'm slowly getting back into blogging myself, but life does happen to get you sidetracked at times.

  4. I've lost a bit of my mojo, too, probably for the same reasons! I've missed your more regular posts, though, and I do hope you'll stick to it, however few!

  5. You may not blog as ofte but I still enjoy it when you do! I love Moleskine journals too:) And your comment rre teenagers made me smile......I remember those days (mine is 27 now)

  6. I like that last journal cover as well! for some reason I usually save the cover decorating until the last, when the book is finished.
    Your mojo will return. One day you will need us and we will still be here, with our cups, nodding our heads and saying "whatsup"

  7. you are so good with transfers. this post reminds me i have a number of those little moleskin journals i could maybe decorate.

    hmm, you will have fun this summer with all those teenagers around, heha.

    i also am not blogging much. and i have no good excuse.

  8. I haven't purchased a moleskin yet. I keep looking at them but haven't slapped down the $ yet. I have so many books laying around that, like others I've done, could become journals.
    I absolutely love what you've done with yours though esp the Ferris wheel one!! Love the colors and vintage quality of it.

  9. I am in awe of your transfers, especially the Ferris Wheel. I've never even seen a Moleskin journal. I must not shop in the right places. I understand they are quite pricy, though.

    I have a teenage cat, does that help???

    I really wish you would join us again for Tuesday Tea. It hasn't been the same since you quit hosting. But I'll raise my cup to you regardless!

  10. Nice journal covers, love that direct transfer...blogging, yes, a schedule does help keep you motivated. But then so do teenagers. xox

  11. I too have begun really sucking at blogging, and can't figure it out, because I don't have teenagers, you have a great excuse!
    Kim, I have always loved your photo transfers, and these are fantastic! Mine never turn out very good at all. Would you consider a mini tut again, or a class even, I need a learning curve I guess! Love what you did with sanding the edges, and the ferris wheel is the bomb!
    I will try to be a better blogger!

  12. Thank you for the walk thru your wonderful moleskin covers ... each one is lovely for its own reasons!
    Everything in life takes so much time...I have often marveled at HOW bloggers with younger children (and teens!!!) have time for blogging and creating and more .....
    I know that I spend far too much time in my fav computer chair ... we all do what we can
    and I must admit Tea on Tuesdays has kept me blogging when my creativity was a bit on hiatus (haven't worried that most Tuesdays it's just Elizabeth and I) ... there are so many ways to be creative...
    More of you is wonderful Dear Kimmie, but I sure understand and can appreciate feeling pulled in several directions...
    Take care dear one

  13. No teens here, even the youngest is now 20 ... trust me, there is life on the other side!

    As you know I've been struggling with similar thoughts ... I can only say to you what you said to me ... I find a kindred spirit when I visit here (I am after all a textile artist by training, I'm not quite sure how I ended up blogging about knitting so much!)

    Blog when you want to, and not at all when you don't, but never imagine your posts are anything other than most welcome :)

  14. Love love love your moleskines...and I hear you loud and clear...after 5 years of blogging I've just about thrown in the towel but am hanging in there because I really like the people I've met there...teenagers and dogs...I have that too always happy to see what you are up to


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....