
Thursday, April 18, 2013

kitchen table

I made myself a cup of red zinger tea this morning 
with the sole purpose in mind of staining the right hand side of a stitched piece I worked on this week

while I was waiting for it to dry and sipping my tea I thought of you

 I had such kind words of encouragement yesterday about the blog and the mom thing and tea and tutorials and more .... I realized how connected we are in so many ways .... I guess I had lost sight of that .... I've just been overwhelmed lately with the thoughts of how fast the kids are growing up ... and how much of it do I miss while I try to create art every day, run my shop, and blog about it?

the fact is, art is where I speak my hard to express thoughts 
and this week is no exception
all the while I worked on this, I was thinking about the love of siblings
(the children in this piece are from some of my "sad, anonymous, lovingly adopted by me" photos)
and my come away thought is that as long as they love each other, I've done well

 thank you for listening
thank you for joining me at my kitchen table
let's do it again - ok?


  1. I'd love to join you any day. :)
    I think we have a nice little community here in "blogland" that is there to support and even lift us up when we need it.

  2. ps...i love that you have old linens on your kitchen table. We have an eat in kitchen so our table is pretty large. Most of my vintage linens are too small. *frownie face*

  3. Hi Kim,lately I have been realizing how important art is in my life. It is a blessing to be in blogland and see I am not the only one. Thanks for your post.

  4. Blogging to me is the quiet time where I reflect on the day. Of course I have other times too, but the sharing with like minded people is what is wonderful. I love reading your blog and your words and your art really fill my heart and soul with beauty. That's what we need in this day and age. I hate watching the bad horrible news, but bloggers talk about the beauty and the lovely things. There are times that I don't blog too, but I do miss it.

  5. I love sipping a cup of tea at your kitchen table...intimate and special. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  6. 'd like to come over for tea (or a cappuccino). There really is a lot of kindness in blogland. And tell Halle if her table is very large -- just layer different vintage tablecloths -- use two or three - that's what I always do on the picnic tables in summer.
    (Thanks for visiting my blog too)

  7. Beautiful little book...sweet little words.

  8. I love this -- the beautiful mast head -- your words and the little book cover --

    I feel peaceful when I come here to visit you -- a virtual sister, I think -- so I thank you for that.

  9. such a sweet piece. the zinger tea worked well. glad you share your art and thoughts here in blogland. be well, suki

  10. Kim this piece is truly heartfelt. I can feel the emotion in each stitch and those orphan photo kids would be lucky to be in your real life! Your real kids are so lucky to have a Mom who is so in touch with the important things in life. xox

  11. Being connected to so many talented and generous people all around the globe has been more wonderful than I could have ever imagined ...
    Virtual friends (there must be a better name hah!) come to mind as I go about my day to day and when I'm out I'll think "oh Kimmie would like that" and so on ...
    Being here now is challenging and consuming all in one ...
    the days (like having teenagers) can seem a bit long (at least they were with 3 boys) and then poof that time was over ...
    Hugs to you and thanks for having us for tea and more
    Wishing you and yours a beautiful Spring weekend!

  12. I love blogging and watching how we all interact everyday, and we are all so similar, so alike.

  13. Absolutely okay ... I just wish we could literally meet over your kitchen table or mine :)

  14. This is what struck me about this post: "Art at your kitchen table" is what I heard and also what came to mind is you with your children at your kitchen table. Your art goes beyond the beautiful work that you share with us here. Every interaction and how you help your children see life is also art. And, just like a piece that you know is really good, but perhaps doesn't sell right away, it doesn't seem appreciated, is the nurturing you are taking the time to give your children. It may not seem appreciated, but you know it's good. The balance is hard and may not always be clear. When you share your work with the outside world, your kids get to see you through others' eyes. I think it helps them appreciate your gifts. But, when the time is short and you spend it with your kids, you are still creating art.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....