
Saturday, December 15, 2012


it seems as if everything is weeping today


dear ones in Newtown,
I have no words
but words are not what is needed
just a hand that reaches out
I stretch mine across these miles


  1. I can feel the whole earth weeping...poor little ones are no longer afraid. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. lovely photo and words. we all mourn.

  3. Such senseless, awful tragedies. In China, a guy with a knife wounded 22 children at a school gate. Why? I just don't understand.

    As for the beach here, many people do go swimming but in recent years, the water has become very polluted so we don't go there. Plus, with all the litter, glass, etc that people throw, the beach area is not clean and it makes me very sad to see that so many don't care for their surroundings.

    Sending warm wishes and hugs your way, Tammy

  4. I can't come up with any words to express my feeelings about this. It is totally out of my range of thinking and comprehension. Your post is very nice and says a lot Kimmie. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. I'm going to take a little break. Sending warm wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2013.


  6. A decidedly different feeling to the world, as we wake up today - your simple photo says so much......


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....