
Monday, December 17, 2012

in the classroom

I spent some joyful moments last night as I prepared for today's lesson:
cutting 1,568 rectangles of tissue paper
and practicing my folds

and many more joyful moments were spent this afternoon
as I and 28 children made tissue paper stars together
joy in the classroom
it was nice

for some of the boys, the folding was tricky
they feel as if they are all thumbs
we started calling them ninja stars
and the folding became martial arts minus any fighting
there was great success!

I said, "a Jedi folder, you are, young man"
and the smile was contagious

simple joys and small successes 
it was nice

they all brought their stars home
- as did I -
and these they are:

(the how to:


  1. I can imagine how nourishing this was in every way -- and the stars are magical.

  2. I'm going to share this with my daughter. She has a class of elementary students that have autism. They are beautiful stars. I love it when teachers share the joys of creating with their students. Good job!

  3. Sounds wonderful! I know they are so pretty and I must see how to make some. Thanks for the link. The 'ninja stars' story was sooo cute!

  4. Awesome. What a wonderful way to teach. And it was good to read that you not only took away any stress, but also kept fear out of the classroom.

  5. Sounds like a joyful day indeed. Happy hands, happy heart! God bless, Tammy

  6. Beautiful folds of love...thank you for sharing. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. the stars are beautiful!
    joyful, almost.

    did you glue down the folded edges also? i didn't see that step in the instructions, but i bet it would not hurt.
    also did you add a string or a hanger to the finished star? (how are they hung)
    these are lovely.

  8. Wow Kimmie, that's a lot of rectangles. I love the obiewan reference, Jedi knights indeed. Beautiful. xox

  9. these are beautiful! thank you for the tutorial, though i may not get to it for a while. have a wonderful holiday season!

  10. so glad you could be and do this with them, what a lovely way to spend time and love... have a beautiful holiday season... x

  11. Spreading Love and Twinkling Stars you are!

    precious moments indeed...
    I always Loved going to school and helping out

    hugs to you dear Kimmie!

  12. beautiful stars and what a wonderful thing to do for the kids, and for yourself!

  13. Joy in the classroom--good words to hear. I know the kids must have loved having you there especially with your subtle sense of humor!

  14. Jedi teacher, you are, m'dear!

    Awesome Kimmie :D

  15. Stopped by to wish you a very Merry Christmas filled with joy and happiness.


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