
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

victorian kissing ball

this last Sunday afternoon, I took a class at a local nursery and made a victorian kissing ball
- hey - 
a girl can never have too many kisses

I loved how it turned out, so I came home with the supplies I needed to make more of them

The How To

what you will need :
an ivy plant in a 4 inch pot
floral wire
a heavier gauge wire for the hook
sphagnum moss soaking in water
miscellaneous greens
pliers for bending the heavier wire

first step:
remove your ivy plant from the pot, keeping as much dirt attached to the root ball as possible, and wrap the dirt ball with sphagnum moss. Wring out the moss after removing it from the water, or you will have a soggy mess on your hands.

second step:
using your thin floral wire, begin wrapping it into a ball shape.
I used a lot of wire - about four pieces that were 16" 
(it might be easier if you use floral wire that is on a spool and then you can use one long length of it)

third step:
 make "hairpins" with the floral wire
these are about 4 inches each and bent in the middle into a u-shape
use these to pin the ivy tendrils into your moss ball

fourth step:
 bend your heavy gauge wire so that it has a j-shape at one end
insert this through the middle of your ball
for best results, have the bottom of your ball be full and the top bare

fifth step:
bend the top of your wire to form a hanger
attach greens with more of the pins (filling in any bare spots)

attach a bow at the top
also: dried flowers, pinecones, sparkly baubles ... dress it up any way you would like
(that's the fun part!)

** to care for your kissing ball, simply immerse it in water once a week **
the instructor told us she has one from two years ago
- in the summer, she hangs it under a shady tree -
(remove ribbons etc and refurbish it next year)


  1. in essence, the ivy will keep growing but the greens will die and we just discard? I think I might try and make one. I love the idea of it lasting year after year.

  2. So pretty! And where've you been, Miss Kim? I've missed your regular posts -- the words, too!

  3. What a brilliant idea, and I too like the idea that the main aprt of it will keep going through the year.
    Why is it called a kising ball?

  4. It is so attractive and I LOVE this idea but here in England it would HAVE to have a sprig of Mistletoe in it to kiss under! Does it grow in your neck of the US?
    Thanks for the inspiration....
    Jo x

  5. oh this is lovely... years ago when I was a florist we made these, and so it brings back many memories! how fun, may you receive many kisses!!

  6. I've had a ball of mistletoe for at least 15 years. Now I'm ready to make the ball, too.

  7. I meant to say, I've had an arrangement of mistletoe, not a ball. Duh. Quicker fingers than brain. Guess I need some caffeine.

  8. Seems so simple in your hands Kimmie and I like the idea that you can keep it for a long time. Sodding mess would be my take, have to make it outside.......Enjoy your kisses. xox

  9. Really wonderful! Old crafts like this are really special.

  10. That is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. totally charming. may it bring you many kisses and hugs. hugs, suki

  12. Never heard of a kissing ball! Really pretty, too. :)

  13. It's beautiful. I shall try my hand at one of these. Thank you :D

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