
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

the almost daily

my daily watercolor sketches are
"almost daily"
... but it's not the rain that stops me ...
(it's other stuff )
but not today

today I brought my camera, so you could see what I mean

it's rain for sure:

but I'm warm and dry in my car:

an occasional break to wait for paint to dry:

and bring it home for the finishing touches:

all in all it takes about an hour of my time
my artistic aerobics I guess

I'm usually not happy with the finished piece
but sometimes, when I revisit it after about a week
- with fresh eyes -
I like it a little bit better

watercolors are hard because you very quickly reach a point of no return
then what you have is

M  U  D

today feels like one of those days
but I'll just give it a lower case

m  u  d


  1. i know about mud! and you do not have mud here,'s lovely! thanks for showing us, it's like we're right there in the car with you! (i am SO grateful we are having lovely DRY weather here my house cleaning has been set back a week due to muddy/wet doggie)...

    p.s. i really like your travel palette too

  2. Nope! I don't see mud. ;)
    This was nice to see how you work from your car. I love how the painting turned out. :)

  3. If that's mud, you just made mud pie!

  4. Methinks you are hard on yourself. I'd like to buy and frame the entire collection. :)

  5. Can't believe you can do such great work in the car. I am sooooo impressed. xox Corrine

  6. I would never dream to go out in the car in the rain to paint!
    And look at the impressive. I need to rethink :D

  7. Do you sit on the passenger side to paint? I enjoy your dedication to car painting. I often do not like what I paint or create at first, but then later come to like it. Sometimes actually I dont even recognize it when I see it again. LOL.

  8. Your plein air painting is wonderful. Most of mine don't turn out so well, but now and then, like when I visited BigBend, I will get one that I'm happy with. I do enjoy it though. Like you said it's good to step away from them for awhile. Another thing I"ve learned is to look at them in a mirror.

  9. I have to admit, you photo looked like there was a lot of MUD in it even before you started the painting. Blame it on the scenery, not the watercolor painting (grin). I think it's beautiful and not the least bit muddy.

  10. Mud? NO. I agree with everyone. I like this very much!

  11. This is a real nature piece, the green of Spring, I can smell the humid air...water colours are so delicate, you've done a great job with this, I like the greeness and peaceful scenery.

  12. I don't see the mud except outside your warm, dry car. Another lovely watercolor. Maybe you feel it's muddy since the color palette is so limited during Spring rains.

  13. Had to stop by to comment on the comment you left me today. That camera was part of the photo from the web site I went to. All I had to do was upload my photos of Bleubeard. No, I still have the same camera. It's ironic how, over the months since I've been participating in Tea Tuesday, the difference in the photos. It's amazing how I can tell which camera I used to take which photo.

    But that camera in the IA challenge is part of the website I used, not something I have. And every time I started over, I had to reload every photo. It was very frustrating and not a lot of fun or easy to maneuver.

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