
Monday, March 12, 2012

twilight tea

I love daylight savings time
I took these pictures around 7 pm
(7 pm has been black as night since early november)

it's so nice to have some daylight still hanging on
... even after I've gotten all my chores done ...

everyone has been fed and the kitchen is clean
I've made a pot of orange spice tea
and I can sit down at my desk again

it's my favorite spot in the house
with a view of the peach tree

and the old farmhouse across the street

and it only gets better from here to the end of june
(twilight will be at 10 by then)

* * *

do you have daylight savings time?
... I know that people who live in Arizona don't ...
maybe where you live it doesn't make much difference except on the clock
up here in washington state, 
if we didn't have the time change, 
daybreak would begin around 3 am in the summer


  1. I absolutely love the time change...the early dark nights of fall and winter are kind of depressing.

    Your photos are wonderful. You must have a killer camera to take such good photos in the dim light.

  2. We are the only state in Eastern Australia that doesn't have daylight savings, but it is light forever anyway and sooo hot all the time don't think it would make much difference... great photos and I can't wait to see more of the peach tree as it starts to bloom... and those stones are really cute... did you paint them???

    my tea post is up at
    happy Tuesday tea all...xx

  3. Oh the blue blue of that light! One of my battery clocks never fell back so it didn't have to spring ahead, the other two were easy to change, and the computer changed itself. I love the change, changing, and rising and resting in rhythm with the daylight. Your eye is keen for the patterns in things, the close view being so intimate. Lovely perspective.

  4. I nipped across from Tracey Fletcher King's blog...I hope you don't mind?
    I love your posts and the photographs are brilliant...I'll just have to find more time now so that I can look backwards to catch up!
    We have daylight saving here in Melbourne but I remember the UK times and how the changes affected us more clearly...must be an age thing...or maybe more childhood memories. :D

  5. I love that blue light -- each photo more intriguing and beautiful than the last! I especially love the second and last one --

  6. Your twilight is really lovely. Yes, we had the time change here in Texas so now it doesn't get dark until 7:30 pm and light again until 7:30 am. We don't have the twilight as we are so far south. I remember it being light at 11pm when I visited other places, like Ireland. Have a happy tea day!

  7. Come join me for tea:

    I LOVE daylight savings time. Most hate losing that hour of sleep but I am up before dawn anyway so it makes not difference to me. Plus, I love to walk out of my office at 6p.m and the sky is still lit by the sun!! so wonderful. You photos of this time change are enchanting and I can feel the breath of summer on them as the seasons march on. Enjoy!!

  8. Come join me for tea:

    I LOVE daylight savings time. Most hate losing that hour of sleep but I am up before dawn anyway so it makes not difference to me. Plus, I love to walk out of my office at 6p.m and the sky is still lit by the sun!! so wonderful. You photos of this time change are enchanting and I can feel the breath of summer on them as the seasons march on. Enjoy!!

  9. I love daylight savings time. We observe it here but hubby's family in Indiana does not. It makes me miss the country life. I have been sipping a bit of green tea hoping you have a very happy tea Tuesday.

  10. Hate DST- it's all about the clock - the daylight is always there.....
    drop by for tea, if you get ""time"

    Love your rocks - the floral ones look like a batik stamp design!!!

  11. I must not understand the concept of DST, because I am on the western edge of Central DT. I noticed when I used to visit St. Louis, MO, which is on the eastern edge of CDT, it stayed light SO MUCH LONGER than it does where I live. I suspect the eastern portion of every time zone has that same crux.

    I'm not sure I like DST. The hours are the same, the clock is different and so are everyone's habits and schedules based on their own time tables. I still eat when I am hungry, do dishes when I have finished my meal, and make art when I feel like it. I'm not tied to the same consequences as someone like you who has a family and a time table to consider.

    Having said all that, I love the ambiance you have created in your post. You make great art with your camera!

    My even lengthier tea post is here today:

  12. Yes! I am totally loving more daylight in the evening. Not so much loving the early mornings yet but the evenings definitely help.
    Love your painted rocks.

  13. oo yes, we have it and it's a difficult adjustment at first because it's way darker in the morning but that extra light, at the end of the day? totally worth it...your view is lovely and am so glad you have extra time & light to create...your cranes agains the blue sky in the post before this are simply stunning...your work is really amazing lately...i love that you are getting out and painting every day...xo happy tuesday, dear kimmie..

  14. Beautiful images Kimie..The landscape photo is awesome..hugs

  15. Oooo I didn't know that daybreak would be so early for you.lovely and peaceful photos.Enjoyed.

  16. There's no time change here but days are getting longer. It is still pitch black at 7 pm though. The time in Sri Lanka right now is 2 1/2 hours ahead of us. And in Nepal where we were over the summer, 2 hours and 45 minutes. So crazy!

    I LOVE your little painted rocks. So pretty!

    Hope your are having a great day! Tammy

  17. "Just a song at Twilight!" We do have time change and I too am greatly enjoying having more light at the end of the day. Cheerful.

  18. I hesitate to say "hate" about DST, but it's harder to get my kids to come "in" and settle down on a school night ("But MOM, it's still LIGHT out!) and I don't feel like enforcing things like homework, because gosh darn it, I'd rather be outside playing myself instead of inside policing their school work!

    I am a very bad mom during daylight savings time.

    I can't imagine daybreak at 4am, let alone 3 am, so I'm sure DST is a very good thing in Washington!

    BTW, I am having tea for the first time in a while. Perhaps you will stop by at twilight?

  19. How lovely to be back here for your tea time musings. Yes the days are definitely brightening and lengthening with Spring marching in, it's a time of change that does us all good. I love the changing of the seasons, the light and colours change, atmospheres, sounds...the swallows will be back here in the South of France in April, I love to see them swooping all over the village roof tops and hear their cries. Keep on enjoying all of Spring's offerings and have a great week! xx

  20. Your painted stones look even more beautiful in this light. Yes we have daylight savings and I am so glad it makes me feel alive again and the duckies are so happy to have more time outside in their yard foraging and puffing up in the sun. xox Corrine

  21. Yes, we had to 'spring ahead' last weekend :) I love it, love to get up early. Love the dawn!
    Your photos are lovely, the stones are beautiful!


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