
Friday, March 16, 2012

almost color

day eight of rain
and a little break in the weather
... a good time to walk ...

I'm glad I brought my camera with me
now I have evidence that spring is coming
... even when it seems doubtful ...

enjoy your day!


  1. How good is a walk in early springtime? But there again I enjoy walking anytime.

    The blossom looks'll be quite a while before I see blossom, but I'm not getting down...we'll have all the autumn colours soon. The trees tops are just beginning to turn now
    Enjoy that sunshine :D

  2. That's how it looks here too Kimmie. Beautiful. and smells good and it's raining and if you have allergies it can be terrible. But oh so pretty.

  3. How beautiful -- and it's hard to imagine all that rain. We're gearing up for a big rainstorm this weekend -- you'd think it was the storm of the century by the amount of hype and preparation!

  4. It looks like the rain has given way to spring. Glad you snapped some photos! I hope the rain we received last night washed away some of the yellow haze we have been experiencing. Have a great weekend!

  5. I am more excited by spring than most anything I think.

  6. Beautiful!! Glad you had your camera with you. :)

  7. Beautiful photographs and such a breath of Springtime. The blossom sadly reminds me of the apple tree we lost this week. It was really sad that it had died and had to come down. Time for planting new and looking forward to new growth.
    JoZarty x

  8. Sure is beautiful in your corner of the world. We had a major sandstorm roll in by mid-afternoon. Wind is howling and even inside you can smell the dust. Ugh! I'm off to bed. Goodnight! Tammy

  9. Lots of evidence compared to here. beautiful.

  10. Lovely walk into your mind and the day of Spring you have shared. Peace dear Kimmie. Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  11. so often change comes in small have captured the promise of spring so sweetly dear Kimmie

    the parade of colors begins!

  12. so lovely, gloriously lovely!

    the view from our windows has changed from impossibly blue with
    every branch in bloom to, well, come take a look!

  13. I was still up, so decided to publish my Tea post for the week. Your pupcakes are adorable. You made them look better than anything I could ever bake for dog, cat, or human! I loved that you said "remove paper before serving." I could just see a pup trying to eat the paper and cake in one bite (grin).

    Happy spring to you, too, Kimmie. It has been nicer here than where you live, until yesterday when it rained and turned cold. I was not prepared, since I've been running around in shorts and sleeveless tops for over a week. At least you have sun. We have more rain coming until Friday, or so the weather people predict. We are now getting YOUR weather. Happy Tea Tuesday, too.

    My link:

    about as scattered as my thoughts this early Tuesday morning.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....