
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

thinking today ...

... that it could be worse

and thankful it is not

crazy weather here the last few days
you may have heard about our avalanche tragedy over the weekend
major pacific storms have been blowing through here
the weatherman calls it "an atmospheric river"
lots of rain, lots of snow and warming temperatures
avalanches in the mountains
cresting rivers in the lowlands
I live on a high ground
but took these pictures while on a walk this morning
I thought the swings floating on the current were eerie


  1. yes, the weather has been crazy - wind blowing so hard here at my place...we are on higher ground too...but I do have a little water in my basement...but it could be so much worse!
    stay dry!

  2. oh wow, how awful, hope lots of folks escape unscathed. The avalanche tragedy was horrible. I hear more snow on the way for the cascades too! Those swings do cast a weird image...xox Corrine

  3. Yes, heard the story on NPR, but the details in the link you provide are more informative. Your photographs here, beautiful, if harrowing visions of reality. The weather in your neck of the woods is illustrative of the weather crisis our planet is currently experiencing. I'm glad you're on higher ground. I've become fond of you through this blog in the very short time I've been following. May you find comfort and security always, kind friends and warm tea.

  4. Good grief. What photos! What a job of work to recover from flooding. We have had more than our share of flooding in my area, but we're on really high ground so have been spared water damage. But not the wind damage. Those swings--yes, eerie. Haunting, too.

  5. Oh my!!
    I'm glad for you... but still.

  6. Ooooh. Seems every where is experiencing crazy weather. Glad to know you are safe. Yes the swings look very creepy, just being pushed around with the water. Oh and thank you so much for changing that word verification thing, grrr it drove me nuts, took so long. I know blogger is trying to make every thing safer but as one of your other followers said, now we will all remove all word verification because they have made it so tedious....poor blogger, can't win. xx

  7. i did hear about the avalanche...horrible...and for the first time in many, many years, a huge portion of our area will NOT be flooding...strange, indeed...

  8. eerie indeed. glad you are on high ground, be safe. Yikes.

  9. This is hard to believe. Stay safe!
    Thanks for bringing it to my attention. In the Uk where I am there is potential drought.

  10. Thank you for all you have given us. beautiful thoughts and photos to bless our artist's minds. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  11. Very interesting photos for sure...Love the first shot. I did think about you when I watched the news this morning...Route 2...I think I know about where you are. Will be visiting Seattle on Tuesday for a conference...still packing and can't believe I will be living in the matter what your weather is now! Be safe Kimmie...take care :-)

  12. weather extremes can be so distressing and dangerous...glad you are on high ground Kimmie

    your photos speak volumes
    take care!

  13. yikes. glad you are on high ground. avalanches and floods, so scary and destructive. i hadnt read about the avalanche. i dont listen to national news on the TV. Just NPR radio. Be safe!

  14. Scarey stuff! Been there, done that. Be careful! Glad there is high ground.

  15. You are right...the swings in the current had a very eerie quality...makes me think post-apocalyptic. me the heebe-jeebes.

  16. oh, sorry to see more overworked mother nature happenings, and you're right, it could be worse. but this looks 'bad'.....and eerie, a good descriptor...where are the children playing???

  17. Oh my! Hope all is well with you. Take care. Hope you don't end up blogging from the roof. :0)
    c'mon sun! dry it up.

  18. You are fortunate to be on high ground. So many are not. Weather has been strange all over. Just never know what will crop up. We have dust and drizzle today. A perfect pajama day. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  19. Yowzah! that is an eerie photograph. Wow, it is incredible how quickly water can take over an area. Stay safe.

  20. Oh gosh. A good time to be on high ground!


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