
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

sorry ...

... For the word verification woes ... I am going to try blogging without them entirely ... But I have disallowed "anonymous" comments .... Sorry for the inconvenience


  1. Thank you so much. It's a shame that the supposed increased protection for our blogs is basically worthless because we're all removing it entirely now.

  2. Best way forward...annonymous ones don't come through very often though do they? :)

  3. Thats exactly how i have mine set up. I don't get too many annonymous ones anyway....

  4. I've taken the word verification off mine too and so far so good, nothing untoward has happened!!:)

  5. It takes me at least three times to get word verification right! And I wear trifocals!

  6. Horray!! I was just formulating in my head a rant post about the new captcha system Blogger is using. HATE IT!!

    You can delete forever any comment that is offensive and such. Most times Blogger flags them as spam anyway.

  7. How did you do that? Remove the word verification requirements? I've been looking to do the same --

  8. I went to "design" in the navigation bar at the top of my blog; and then the "settings" tab; and then the "comments" sub-tab and fixed it there ... easy peasy

  9. that is what i did too, disable anonymous and just moderate comments...blogger recognized spammed comments and so does my email account...solved the problem no word verification...

  10. thank you that dingdang two word jumping thru hoops can be maddening :)
    what ARE they thinking!

  11. I see that they have changed the word verification in the past few days so it isn't as hard as it used to be. Used to be one word was in a block box and was so hard to read. Now both words are in a white frame so not as difficult to decipher. Once Google takes affect, anonymous comments won't be allowed anyways. If folks want to visit blogs, they are actually gonna have to sign up with Google.

  12. Thank you....I wish everyone would do the same thing because I enjoy leaving comments without eyeguessing what those jumbled letters might be!

  13. We are having the same sort of crazy weather on the other side of the world... flooding rains and heaps of damage... again... we are so lucky to live on the higher ground as we have had many flash floods in the last two weeks... scary seeing the river break its banks and stay up... for us it goes up and down all summer... hope that it is much better now and that things have settled down...xx


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....