
Monday, January 30, 2012

wintry tea

I am taking my tea today at my desk

mandarin orange spice tea with cerulean blue hue water

a tasty combo for the senses

senses that are dulled in winter by an everlasting oystershell sky

paynes grey hue

but with a little photo editing I have a change in latitude

cerulean blue hue
how are things at your latitude?
I think it's thrilling to share tea with the far reaches of the world
I imagine us all under the same sky - varying degrees - different hues


  1. We were extremely gray today but they are promising a sunny day filled with sunshine tomorrow. I am planning on using my monkey tea infuser from Amazon...oh what fun!!! Have a great day!!! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. It's heavy grey with a threat of snow but just think that high above it all the sun is shining.

  3. Happy happy T Tuesday dear Kimmie!!!I'm sure the art will be good!!!

  4. just as long as you dont take a sip from the paint water instead of the tea!

    I like your reimagined sky. We did have sun yesterday and expect some today I think. In fact on Sat i sat outside in my lawn chair, wearing a winter coat of course.

  5. Grey here also- but putting on my sunglasses improves the color of the sky immensely!!! Drop by for tea....

    Oh, love the matchboxes - for a swap or Etsy?

  6. Sunny with intermittent overcast sky here. Love your latest sky photos. And of course the one with cerulean blue is gorgeous. Nice contrast to the tea today, too. Have a super Tea Tuesday.

    Here is my tea post:

  7. YES, I Love that we're under the same sky...sun and moon

    again so beautifully stated and illustrated dear Kimmie

    the weather report last night called January more like Juneuary in these's going to be in the 60's today with no sign of snow...I {heart} snow and I {heart} Tea on Tuesdays...thank you sweet friend

    here is my Love Tea


  8. When the sky is clear hear we get the most amazing shades of blue...but it's been overcast and we have pearl, dove, paynes gray, dirty gray, dark gray, light gray, it's all gray.

  9. Believe it or not, gray skies are here too, and drizzly rain. It's gotten cooler and the wind is blowing. I'm happy to be in pj's ready to crochet the night away, after I clean up the kitchen, get clothes ready for school tomorrow, make dinner ... you know, all that stuff that has to be done each and every day. :) First a tea break! Happy tea day and best wishes, Tammy


    Your post reminds me of Blue Moon beer. It has a hint of orange flavor and is really refreshing. I like the way you changed your grey skies to blue, I may be needing to do that here in the next few days!
    Happy T on T~

  11. The sun just came within the last hour. I hope it lasts! Days are so much more tolerable with sunshine.
    Happy Tea day!

  12. It's beautiful up here, a few clouds hanging around tho :)
    The sun was shining in so bright, I had to close one blind to see my monitor.
    Happy tea day :)

  13. Not as gray as yours but I want to dive into your paintbox and swim awhile. xox Corrine

  14. I'm so absent minded, I could drink the blue jar by mistake. If all of the real world could be edited with a couple of clicks to make it better! Happy Tuesday!

  15. Happy Tea Tuesday ! Love that blue....but grey is one of my favourite colours. If it makes you feel any better it's very grey here today too, but that suits me, hurry on Autumn. xx

  16. Fully enjoyed your mix of tea and colors/paints/sky/shopped.

    Was cool but sunny here today, blue skies. No rain maybe later in the week? Let's hope as drought is not our wish.

  17. Lovely blue hues! Sun and clouds here yesterday-chilly in the am, but in the 70s this afternoon :(. I did not get to have tea yesterday but what a beautiful Tea Tuesday you have shared. Thank you.

  18. Hello Kim and greetings from Wichita, Kansas. I stumbled onto you blog via Halle's Hobbies post yesterday. Yay!

    I love all the pretty art and photos on your blog here so I will come back for more visual prettiness and fun.

    Nice to meet you!


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....