
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

completed matchbox

I'm crazy 
I'm living a dream

because this is what I do

I make weird stuff

just hope I never have to knock on walmart's door for a job!

and speaking of living a dream
this was my sky today as I was gabbing on the phone around lunch time

( w o w )


  1. It's so much fun.I spend a lot of time playing around like that too :)I've never tried to sell any of it.If you get good at it,do people buy our little creations?That would be even more fun.

  2. Living the dream....Amen to that.
    What a fun little package. I love how your mind works!

  3. I can't see your second picture for some reason so I'll have to come box of what not!! And, what an amazing sky! Mine was just the moon again against the blue but I'm hoping to shoot stars tonight.

  4. We're all living in a dream--yours is particularly nice. Delighted to see the outside of one, and Ill soon look at the others after I finish delighting in that noontime sky.

  5. YOU young lady are living the dream!!! I love these intimate little treasures. Well done!! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  6. I am sure you doodled the cover for the matchbox. It's so pretty and all those seacolors just go together so beautifully! Yep! Sounds like a dreamy dream world to me. Enjoy! Best wishes, Tammy

  7. Gorgeous little treasure box. I'm so glad you don't work at walmart, your talents would be wasted and we wouldn't get to share in seeing these little gems. xx

  8. It would be fun to live the dream. I'm glad you are living yours. And that sky shot is gorgeous.

  9. wonderful colors both in and on your box and in the sky

  10. I love your blog, I love your creative mind :)

  11. Well, you have to put those little things in something and what better than that. I love weird! LOL

  12. Oooh I have a matchbox (or 4) on my blog today too... see what weird and wonderful stuff we play with?? LOL

  13. Love your matchbooks. This one is really great. And, what a lovely way to be-living the dream. :0)

  14. weird indeed! i resemble that remark!! ggg

  15. thanks for sharing your positivity! I feel the connective vibes way over here, across the mountains, into Colorado! Thanks my friend!

  16. Gosh, those matchboxes are sweet. Like assemblage, but not assembled, but gathered and boxed.


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