
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

playing with nature

yesterday I was talking about how I live in the evergreen state
this is just some of the bounty from a saturday walk in the woods last weekend:

I tend to get into the minutiae of things
... so I deconstructed them and LOVED what I found!

beautiful pine cone "petals" and "leaves"

ornaments (above)
and a tree topper (below)

nothing beats nature for the coolest of materials to work with

(on etsy)


  1. That is awesome!! And I loved that you used the word "minutiae". :)

  2. beautiful. i went through a pine cone phase years ago. Made all sorts of cool things. not as nice as yours though.

  3. I'm sure you could turn water into wine :) you are such an artist--the beauty you create from 'the little things' :) so, so creative!

  4. I love that it is still colorful autumn someplace, yes, the Evergreen State. We still have beauty but a more bare beauty.
    Your cone designs are beautiful, once in my life I saw the colorful birds with curved bills that can get those seeds out of the cone, in this area of the north, such a treat to see thme.

  5. This is totally lovely with the grace and simplicity exposed when we open up Nature's bounty! Peace, Mary Helen

  6. Oh've done it again!

    I adore what you've created with the help of Mother Nature...the Hemlock cones are such sweet "roses"

    I have a pair of earrings that our oldest son made in kindergarten hemlock cones painted a deep pink...I wish I could tell that teacher what a treasure those have been to me...

    I am a real sucker for pine cones of all kinds and can just imagine the yummy smells too...

  7. now that is using the supplies on hand!! lovely !!

  8. Beautiful nature and beautiful work! penny

  9. When I visit my cousin who has pine trees, she always gives me tons of pine cones for me to create things with. I love them! Love what you did with them! I have a very old nature craft book with ideas like this... I love that sort of thing.

  10. How very wonderful are these?! I can just imagine your joy as you deconstructed and reconstructed each little piece.

  11. Love what you do're such a divergent thinker!

  12. Hi Kimmie, you have taken the beauty of nature and managed to turn it into something even more delightful. Great work! Love your previous post of the blue sky and the contrast of the green tree on the right and golden yellow one on the left. Just beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  13. How gorgeous! I would never have the patience to complete this! These pieces are stunning Kim!

  14. You are amazing Kimmie! These are gorgeous!

  15. What beautiful things you made with nature's material. I love the star. You have impressed me highly with those works of art. You have the gift!

  16. Wowwowwow!
    You and Mother Nature are a great team.

  17. Hi Kimmie! You won my giveaway! Weeee! Send me an email and I'll send off your lil' needlecase. :0)

  18. i just picked up pinecones today on my puppy walk!! your creations, with the moss, are just beautiful!!

  19. Absolutely gorgeous ! You made something beautiful even more so !


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