
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

sweet tea

my daughter's tea:

well, it's actually hot cocoa
(and Trix cereal)
I know .... lots of sugar


but here is more sweetness:

(above) an unexpected gift from Pat at Ooglebloops ... tea bag papers from around the world, a beautiful photo card of her own creation, and her really cool bricolage calling card ... thank you Pat!

(below) and a soap swap with Yvonne at Inkspiller's Attic ... she convinced me that making soap was not hard if you follow the directions, so when I told her I tried it, we swapped a couple of bars. Hers is made with Texas Rainwater and essential oils  .... I wish you could smell it! It's  amazing! And the packaging is of her own beautiful paintings ... thank you Yvonne!

what is sweet in your day today?
I hope it's more than just tea



  1. Love the h'bird painting - and glad you could use those int'l teabags!!!

    And, you know, Trix is for kids!!!!LOL

    Drop by for tea if you get a chance..

  2. Trix in hot cocoa, that's a new one! You have some fun packages! Happy Tuesday! (Cute hat on your daughter!)

  3. My sweet hubby, my sweet dog and kitty... my sweet blog friends...

  4. Wonderful gifts!! Blogland friends are so generous.
    Isn't it amazing how much sugar those kid-lets can consume and not blow up like a balloon. :)

  5. just had to stop by for tea, and what a sweet post! so nice to end up with all these gifts! xx

  6. Love the hat! I have always wanted to make soap too! Pat is so thoughtful! Happy TEA day!

  7. Sweet tea indeed! I can almost smell the soap (what a talent that Yvonne is!) Cool "junk" from Pat too!

    I used to like sugared cereal once (FrankenBerry, Capt. Crunch, Alphabits,...)-- funny how we grow out of THAT.

    BTW, I had tea on my front porch this morning. A SWEET view.

  8. Cocoa and gifts, wonderful way to spend tea Tuesday. What is it about hand made soap that is so those chunky bars. xox Corrine

  9. i had a beautiful day today, sunshine, puppy walk and a clean desk...i love your pine cone creations!! happy tuesday

  10. Beautiful tea post and don't you just love Yvonne's covers for her lovely!

  11. Sweet and Lovely Tea on SO many levels dear Kimmie!

    Precisely why it is always such a delight to come and visit


  12. I came by early this morning, but you weren't awake yet. I finally made it back. Looks like you found me, anyway. That is a whole lot of sweetness in those gifts and exchanges. I saw Yvonne's post earlier and I recalled how much fun I had making soap one year. Lovely items.

  13. Lovely to share tea time. My sweetness today was my dear friends.

  14. lovely photos! trix and cocoa sounds good. sweet in my day? finsing my parents giant basket of halloween candy---that came home w/ us! hee!

  15. Wow!!! What a great day for gifts and tea!!! Peace, Mary Helen

  16. Sweet! My life is full of sweet things; three grandchildren, two dogs, my own two kids and their spouses, warm home, car to drive....I'm rally feeling thankful for all that I have!

  17. I was just wandering through your posts, going back in time to see you bloom anew with every thought and every image. Your creative journey is a joy to behold. And your reflections give me pause as I marvel in wonderment. Walking with you through your blog is an unfolding discovery of the remarkable person I thought I knew.

  18. Definitely lots of sweetness here. My kids want Fruity Pebbles but there hasn't been any in this country for ages. Weather is getting a bit cooler (still warm and muggy during the day) but will be time for hot chocolate soon. Those teabags are great and I know you will use them for something spectacular. Yvonne's soap sounds fantastic and her wrapping is wonderful! She is one talented lady. As are you dear Kimmie. Hope your week is great. Tammy


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