
Sunday, March 6, 2011

spring banner

using my hand carved rubber stamps in the previous post
I made this banner

and it's on Etsy

see you on Tuesday!


  1. beautiful banner - I love the antique look of the it tea dyed?

  2. it looks as peaceful as a Tibetan prayer flag --

  3. OH MY what I have missed here. I just scrolled down to Feb. 15 and everything in between is awesome and stunning and unbelievably wonderful eye candy. I love all your work, each stitch, each choice of paper, fabric, seed, stamp, mark...medium...I swear you are so eclectic and each and every piece SINGS LOUDLY to be touched, held, hung and enjoyed. BRAVO!!!!!

  4. Hi Kimmie, your banner is so pretty. I remember in high school making stamps of our mascot (the Springs Lions) using some sort of rubber. I still have that stamp somewhere and must say, it turned out pretty good. But that was oh so long ago and my creativity seems to have been lost along the way when it comes to art. I love the birdhouses on wood that you created for your kitchen. The beeswax certainly does give it an added dimension. Your pretty matchbox covers turned out lovely too. Always such a pleasure to visit you for inspiration. Best wishes, Tammy

  5. I totally love this ! What are they stamped onto - teabags ? How do you do that to get the Stained colour - empty the tea leaves first then soak ?

  6. This banner is gorgeous....rustic and a little bit Indonesian as well, but definitely has a joyous spring feel.

  7. Couldn't resist - it's now MINE!!! :>)

  8. What an awesome way to celebrate spring!!! So unique and wonderful. Kimmie, you're such an inspiration!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  9. This is beautiful (and sold! Yay!)

  10. Thank you Pat!!!!! I just added two more to my shop :)

  11. Lovely banner! I saw my fabric banner that hung on the deck rail all last summer in the shed today...made me smile. There's just something happy about a banner!

  12. What an awesome project! Your carvings are wonderful, but the finished project is totally awesome.

  13. Your stamps and your banner are just gorgeous! Wow!

  14. over to etsy 2 C.....yes, a spring prayer flag...very nice!

  15. Hi Kimmie!

    Wow rubber gaskets from the hardware store! Thats so cool. But if i remember right these are pretty flimsy how do you ink them and stamp them or do you lay the paper on top and use a brayer?? I'd love to try this!

  16. HEY! I recognize that design...
    NOW I know what to do with the "flag" you sent me!

    YES! I got your package. I am just a slouch at emailing. Will email tonight after I get off work, pick up kids from school latch key program, make dinner, do evening "mom" things, bedtime, etc. Might take awhile. :)


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....