
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

tea and lighting

I had the idea of showing you some signs of spring from my garden
and I got quite distracted when I got down to business with my camera

so I'm having a change of subject here

crocuses (with back lighting)

I noticed a couple of years ago
while shooting pictures for this blog
that backlight is what I love

crocuses (with front lighting)

when I get between the sun and my subject
the colors and shapes go all flat
and remind me of old magazine layouts 
or jigsaw puzzles 
or those awkward family photos 
(with everyone squinting because the sun is in their eyes)

morning tea (with back lighting)

to me, backlight is more like real life
I like to sit with MY face to the sun
and what I see around me is bathed in light

morning tea (with front lighting)

.... not flooded in light ....
... just a thought while in the garden today ...

* * *

... oh yeah, and my tea this morning is Red Clover Tea ..... with the LAST Girl Scout cookie
what are you having?

I'm still trying out Mister Linky
if you are wondering what Tea on Tuesday is all about,
just click on my "What is Tea on Tuesday?" tab at the top of the page


  1. Yes, I've loved all of your photos that have the light in them. The crocus photos look wonderful! We buy girl scout cookies and they never last very long here. LOL

  2. So funny that you were playing with lighting today. I couldn't get a decent color in my early morning light... Black and white always works. :)

  3. excellent praise of backlightingnesses!
    (and cookies)

  4. Photography is my 2nd love, and YES! That's the ticket . . . Back Lighting makes everything "pop" and come alive. I must try more of it!!! Thanks, Kimmie!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. love backlighting too... and the crocus...oh simple gorgeosity Kim!! love them, cannot wait for warm spring days!!

  6. Ditto on the backlighting - so much to learn with every photo taken!!!

  7. I'm joining you today. I think this is a neat idea. Your photos are beautiful. Lighting is everything and today there isn't too much sun here! Have a great day!

  8. I must say, I quite agree with your assessment of the whole lighting situation.
    THE LAST GIRL SCOUT COOKIE!!! whatever will you do??!? ;-)

  9. Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh, what gorgeous flowers. I have to learn more about photography, your images are so inspiring and beautiful. And girl scout cookies and tea? Perfect combination, Kimmie :)

  11. You have cheered my day with your lovely purple crocuses (or should that be crocci)? I will have to find out more about backlighting as it really does make a huge difference to your photos and mine could do with something... anything!! LOL

  12. Apparently, I did the linky thing twice. I didn't even link to your site when I wrote the message, either. You must forgive me, please. I am finally home and hope to get to everyone today, some maybe twice!

  13. Hey.
    I like this linky thing. Also, I LOVE your photographs.
    did you read Middlesex?
    If you did, you'd know that you can
    look at a crocus in the same way again.
    At least, not without giggling a little bit (yes, I swear to god I am a grown woman, just a Very immature one)
    I love girl scout cookies and don't get enough of those guys.

  14. You're right about that back lighting. I never actually thought so in depth about it but it clearly makes things look much better...more alive, more vibrant, more interesting. Thanks, Kimmie, for doing all the detective work and experimenting with it and showing the "before" and "after" shots. What a difference! I am a "learn-by-doing" kind of person too.

  15. Love the back lighting, so much more to see with the reflection in the cup! Crocuses, oh can't wait to see those, but a snowdrop would make my heart sing. xox Corrine

  16. Your corcuses are AMAZING! No signs of spring here yet. Stil brown and dreary looking. I am waiting for my forsythia to bloom. That's *my* first sign of spring in my yard. :)

    Now I want a cookie...

  17. Your crocuses and mug & and bickies are beautiful shots and yes, backlighting is so much seems to make every thing more " alive ". Time poor this week...working more than I like and am used to, but it is a long weekend coming up and we are heading off to south east coast for little holiday. Have a great Tea on Tuesday and hope your week end is a fun one too. xx

  18. Nothing promises spring like purple crocus! You captured them beautifully.

    Happy tea day!


  19. Thanks Kim, I need lessons :) I just watched a show last night on taking better photos. Maybe I need a new camera....
    Your flowers are beautiful!

  20. back lighting = beautiful
    front lighting = beautiful

    lovely T post Kimmie!

  21. Wow. That's a very cool little photo lesson; I think I'm with you on preferring the back lighting --

  22. I just can't passed the crocus !

    I can't wait..


  23. I found your tea brigade thanks to Bleubeard and Elizabeth - my tea is on my blog - hope you'll stop by and join me in a cuppa x

  24. I love your blog Kimmie. It is fun and refreshing. Especially your tea on Tuesday. But your varied artforms are intriquing, so I have followed along for quite a while now, waiting to see what new and imaginative piece you have worked on this time.

  25. i love, love the banner you did previously but this post with the purple crocus just really took my breath away and gave this kindergarten photographer something to work with.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....