
Thursday, March 3, 2011

carved stamps

I made my own stamps 
using rubber gasket material from the hardware store 
and a speedball linoleum cutter


there's a great tutorial on this over at Genine's Art Blog


  1. very cool! I love the bird the best!

  2. These are great, you've got a little series going here! Love em'.

  3. OMG! You are too awesome for words! Gorgeous stamps! Will you carry them on Etsy?

  4. I bought a speed ball starter set when it was on clearance ages ago. Have never used. Your stamps came out awesome! will have to find it and give it a try!

  5. These are fabulous Kimmie especially the bird. I remember doing this ( badly ) at school.
    I love how you have coloured the bird.

  6. These look amazing.....I love lino prints, they have such an earthy, wholesome, folky feel about them. You have done a great job, love the bird on top of the print.

  7. these are quite clever and beautiful.

  8. We did this in art sometime in my school career. I don't remember what I made but, well, yeah..thinking they didn't turn out like yours...Now, the last thing I needed was to be tempted with another project that I want to try. But, gosh that looks like fun.

  9. Love these - especially the bird!!! I went to Gennine's blog - now following and started a wish list on Dick Blick!!!LOL Thanks alot!!!!!

  10. you are such a gifted artiste dear Kimmie

    everything you lay your hands on = magic!

    Love your stamps!
    I had done a little stamp carving last month...our local altered arts group is focusing on that this month as well

    I am off to check out the link
    thank you for always inspiring me and lifting me up dear one

  11. they almost look like paintings .. and the stamps themselves are just so pretty..

  12. These are fantastic. Stamp carving is WAY beyond me. :)

  13. ooooo, those are delightful! what a great way to add YOUR personal touch to things. You are so full of inspiration, I just love visiting here.

  14. Thanks Kimmie - carving some stamps sounds like a great way to spend some of my Sunday afternoon. Thanks for sharing! Oh - and beautiful carvings. Red gasket rubber - great idea.

  15. So very nice! I'm going to check the link, thanks :)

  16. These make a great SET. You could SO sell these as a "banner kit" (I read you next post first- confused?) Of course, there IS the issue of cost-effective mass production. :)


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