
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tea anyone?

Are you up for a tea cup exchange?

Pat at Artfully Ooglebloops is organizing it.
It's a one on one exchange and today is the last day to join the fun.
My teacup from the last exchange is one of my most treasured.
Drop in on her today and put your name in the hat ....


I'm still in recovery mode from the Christmas holiday.
It hits me like a truck every year.
And every year I come up with a new coping strategy for next year.
I hope to have it all done earlier next time.
In my imagination I see a no shopping zone in the month of December.
No stores with the gaudy decorations and nauseating music.
I did say imagination ... didn't I?


It's almost 2011,
can you believe it?
I thought it would be fun to share some beautiful blog discoveries I've made in 2010:

daisy yellow for colorful fun

every life has a story for beautiful journaling and stitching

iHannah's blog colorful and oh so creative

loppisliv scandinavian tranquility

lovely world colorful and simple design

michelle palmer beautiful illustrations

n2theblue rare but beautiful posts

river garden studio another world

soeurs du jour amazing photography

spirit cloth meaningful quilting

still alive photo processing techniques

talk at the table insight and compassion

the odd inkwell unique poetry

thxthxthx a thank you note a day

vita verandan more scandinavian tranquility

* * *

I hope you have a beautiful week and a very Happy New Year if I don't see you before then ....
... thanks for stopping in for tea!
Oh - and be sure to visit the other tea blogs listed in my sidebar!


  1. Lovely cups, Kimmie. I bet these are a bit too big to trade, though!

    I never want to go through another year like this one. I usually have all my shopping and gift making done by September, but this year got away from me. I will imagine with you about next year.

    To answer your question you asked on my blog, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here every Tuesday until you kick me out! However, I have featured a blog each day for the past year, and I find it so time consuming, I can't keep doing it. So, as far as Tea Tuesday is concerned, Nathalie's blog is the final one I will be featuring. I will finish up on Jan 1, 2011, having featured 365 blogs.

  2. fab tea cup picture Kimmie!

    and year I will begin much much earlier too...even with keeping it very the end there doesn't seem to be enough time to sit and savor the season as completely as I would like...time moves so fast it seems

    thank you for a lovely year of tea and've made Tuesdays extra special


  3. I have so enjoyed Tea day with you and all the other tea bloggers. I look forward to next year too. Thanks for all the links to wonderful blogs. I will go on over and join in the tea cup exchange. That sounds like fun. I guess I got plugged in just in time. Have a Happy and wonderful New Year and hope you savor each day!

  4. oh Kimmie, your tea cup photo brings back sweet memories of a time long gone! what a great photo!! thanks for this! happy tea day! and happy new year!! xo

  5. thanks for the tips on blogs to check out. the tea cup exchange sounds fun. maybe next year. have a great new year's eve. suki

  6. oh... kimmie ,
    thank you for the mention. really.

    you make my life better each visit, you do.

    and I can't wait to visit these other sites.

  7. Funny how my imagination is very similar to yours!!
    Next Christmas is a million miles away now!
    Thanks for your visits and good cheer, and always your great inspiration!

  8. Thanks for the reminder about the teacup exchange (I have to go join!) Wouldn't it be great to have a giant teacup to lounge in for tea? And could I build one out of chicken wire and plaster? Like I NEED a giant project! You got me thinking with that teacup ride photo... hahahaha!

  9. Love the tea cup ride!!!!! Such fun. Happy New Year and happy blogging.

  10. i agree .. like a mac truck or even like the spinning teacups above,,,
    i cannot wait to browse through your links what a great idea!!

  11. enjoyed visiting the sites you have listed ... and you

  12. As always, I snoop here on Tuesdays as I'm not part of the "tea group," but I just love it. Thanks for all the special links, too!

  13. Love the picture! My dad and I went on the teacup ride at Disneyland and he got very woozy. The first ride that ever happened to him on. :) I remember laughing so hard! Thanks for the memories!!

  14. i missed tea yesterday, dang! i wonder if pat will still pop my name was a super fun day though...i planned on taking pics to share and forgot...a day full of friends...thanks for the links! i'll pop round to some of those for some scandahooovian fav

  15. I think I went on that ride once... I'm not a big fan of rides... Sorry I'm late with my post... I'll try to be on time next week!

  16. Thank You for sharing these lovely sites, Kimmie....Happy Happy New Year to you!!!

  17. Hey Kimmie-
    Sorry that I didn't get to this last week, but the feelings are the same... It is harder and harder to recover from that truck! Love your post, the thoughts and images. Hugs, Christen

  18. Thank you for the compliment! I am so happy to be back visiting all the lovely blogs, I've missed so much!


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....