
Monday, December 27, 2010

most unique gift

I wanted to show you this cool olive can that my sister gave me for Christmas

It's huge

(here's my hand in front of it so you can get an idea of the scale)

The wheels of imagination are turning in my head big time ....
... I guess you could say that she "Knows Me" to give me a gift like this

(contented smile)

Do you have a most unique gift with your name just written all over it?

I'd love to hear about it!

* * *

It's been a hectic few days ... and we're off to the city today.
I won't be able to check back in until this evening,
but my big plan is to visit EVERYONE!
I miss you!!!!


  1. That is the perfect gift for you, and I have to say that I thought "is it empty?" because I imagine even a beautiful EMPTY oil can is perfect for you!

    Happy day in the city --

  2. your sister knows you well! Great gift. my best gift is being with my son.

  3. That's a gorgeous tin! What a great gift. I can't say I got anything that interesting, but it was the first year our son had a job and was able to spend some of HIS money on us. He bought me the most amazing slippers and it meant so much that he took the effort!

  4. Yes, empty ... But only empty of olives .... Full of lots more

  5. very intriguing!
    enjoy your day and let those wheels turn...
    it is truly wonderful when someone "gets you" by offering a present so unique the getting it right far surpasses the "value" of the item itself.

    i'm keeping my eye on you and olive can.

  6. In Jordan, many people use these on their balconies to plant in and it makes such a lovely display. I know whatever you decide to do with it will be fantastic. Blessings, Tammy

  7. I do have a most unique gift: my sister made me a yarn bowl. She has never worked with clay, not really, and yet she tried her hand at it to make me something unique for my knitting obsession. Sisters are GREAT!
    That IS one big can!!

  8. your olive can inspired my post....tonight. well inspired what a tinolicious approach can be!
    yes, you should most definitely take a gander!

  9. Such a cool can and perfect for you.


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