
Thursday, December 30, 2010

an easy calendar

... to make that is ...
(I'm sorry if you followed my post title thinking I had the answer to EVERYTHING)

I received a cool desk calendar easel thingy last year and it was filled with photos for each month.

I'm simply recycling the holder by using these cool postcards with a little monthly calendar glued on each postcard. 

A regular 4X6 frame could work as a holder too. 
The tear off monthly calendars are give-aways at hardware stores and drugstores this time of year. 

I almost didn't post this because it just seemed too easy and craft simple - like - hey - everyone's thought of this already. 

But as my Dad said, "All I see is teacups on your blog lately." 

So I give you an easy arty idea :)


  1. Great idea! I wondered where everyone was getting those cute little calendars. Last year a friend sent me one on a nice vintage cardboard picture. And this year a friend made a tag and placed the little calendar on there. Such simple but sweet ideas. Those are the best. happy day to you. Tammy

  2. I love your dad's comment although I have to disagree with him!

    And I love this idea, too, so thank you. I bet, though, that I won't be able to find one of those tiny calendars, so ubiquitous and unnecessary until you need one.

  3. It takes someone very clever to come up with such a great yet simple idea as this. I love it!

  4. has such a "happy' feel to it. I always find calendars a bit depressing and boring. Because I am not a very organised person , calendars are those "aids" that I should use but don't want to, but yours is fun. Wishing you a Very Happy New Year, cheers !!

  5. I love this idea!! ANd heads up- I mentioned you in todays blog posts. I'm still loving my little treasures!

  6. well i think your tea posts are fun and cozy. I like this calendar idea. I enjoy making my own esp the kind you keep your daily tasks in and in the past have just printed out a format I devised but have no idea where it is now.

  7. I thought you were telling us you were on your way to Hawaii!!!! LOL
    Happy new Year!

  8. Great idea! We usually get one of those tiny calendars from our insurance agent each year. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. this vintage year looks remarkably warm and carefree!!!
    sign me up!

  10. your year filled with the island .. love the idea and to you I wish the happiest of 2011

  11. I am loving those vintage Hawaiian pictures. Who would ever want to get rid of them. . . I would recycle them on and on and on. Cute crafty idea.

  12. I think I like your Dad! My dad occasionally tells me, "Nobody wants to hear about your job" or "you've been kind of boring lately" but every once in a while I get some encouragement like "I made your zentangle my desk top picture". That made my day!

  13. Your dad cracks me up. Hey, at least he's looking at your blog!

    Your calender idea is simple, but the best ideas are! And no, I hadn't thought of this one. Smacking my head and thinking, why didn't I think of that? heehee.

    I have to tell you, every time I see your blog's title I mentally start humming the tune to "Knights in White Satin". The words share the same rhythm. Is that some subliminally intentional thing? heehee.


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