
Thursday, April 15, 2010

school field trip

I helped out on a school field trip into the city today.
One thing I've learned this past year is to always bring my camera.
And not just to get the obligatory group photo ...
but to capture the otherwise missed details.
Putting  mundane images to film somehow gives them purpose.


  1. I absolutely love today's post and the lovely photos that went with it, but more importantly, I love what you said about the mundane being given purpose.

  2. I love the elephant car wash sign..
    Nice post.

  3. The elephant sign is too cute for words, and I LOVE the swirly art on the building. Capturing bits and bobs of life is what a camera is for, Kimmie. Your pics are awesome! Hope you had a great trip too. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Kimmie - for myself, I am so glad you take your camera with you - everywhere. I LOVE seeing what you see. A gift from your lens to mine! Wonderful photos that make me smile....Love the picture out the bus window!

    Yesterday, I was at our state capital building and there was a group of students - probably 4th grade. A small group was in the women's bathroom and there was one girl taking photos of things in the bathroom - a future photographer I think!

  5. Hallo, Sweden here....

    I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!

    Regards from Agneta

  6. Lovely photos... and Kimmie... Thank you ever so much for the tea gifties!!! I was so surprised and pleased. I love it all and the napkin that you wrapped it all in??? Oh my what a beauty! It is my first ever giftie from blogland! I am going to blog about it on Bits and Pieces!

  7. there is so much beauty and fun in the ordinary and your everyday surroundings are different again than mine ... so I thank you very much for sharing Kimmie ... they certainly do have a lovely purpose when captured with an artistic eye like yours!
    Thanks again for the goodies!!!
    word verification: "taboo" :)

  8. bus ride snapshots of my favorite city...priceless

  9. great series of field trip shots..each so different than the next..i know you must have enjoyed it!

  10. Hi Patti! I found you thru Terri and I love your blog!~ Very inspiring, and I am blown away by your inchies! Your work is gorgeous!

  11. So much to catch up on here today.
    Stunning photos.


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