
Monday, February 17, 2014


my art journal has been falling apart at the spiral binding
so I took it apart to reinforce the edges

I took 1 inch strips of paper, folded them in half, and glued them to the hole punched edges. Then I hole punched them again.

.... and reassembled the book with the newly reinforced pages ....

... this was my finished page today ...

Art journaling is a wonderful way to put my feelings down in a sort of obtuse code, known only by me. Unless I explain it, the journal entry's interpretation is completely open and flexible.

Today's page is about resisting my automatic role as wife/mother while school is out today - and making myself virtually unavailable for mundane tasks - instead immersing myself in creating. Have I been missed? Breakfast and lunch happened - the dishwasher was emptied - laundry is being done - and none of it by me. 


  1. Your art journal looks great! I am jealous of people who can do looks like it was a LOT of work to reinforce it. I am too lazy for all that extra work. Keep up the good work!

  2. Pow Er Ful, with an emphasis on POW!

  3. Your journal looks fab Kim....such a lot of work in those two pages!
    I especially love the top photo though.....somehow really appeals to me. X

  4. That is a wonderful way to fix your journal. We all need a little re-inforcing every now and again.
    I, too, love the obtuse code of the art journal. No explanations needed, just eyeballs and a sense of wonder.
    Have a great week!!

  5. What patience you have to fix those pages in that way. Wow! Love your art journal page.

  6. Great idea to re-enforce the pages. I like that all those chores, feeding, etc was done by others than you! Now if I could only get the dogs to unload the dishwasher...LOL

  7. I'm liking the message you've coded into this page. Here the boy would have managed to feed himself and unload the dishwasher, but laundry, no way! What is it with young men of a certain age and washing machines ... maybe if it had a wireless controller like his xBox ... hmm, now there's a thought ;)

  8. I agree with you... it is our own obtuse code... and all I have to do is see the images again and I am reminded of exactly what happened...

  9. I'm learning to put the girls in charge on occasion of lunch and such too. I read once that as a mother you should work to put yourself out of a job. Food for thought. I will say it was really hard to eat that peanut butter (only) sandwich on the very dry pieces of bread from the old bag in the drawer though. I may add more instructions next time, ha!

  10. Your ideas are always good. I still cant post on my blog and do miss it and everyone but happy to see u and others on Facebook.

    1. I enjoy keeping up with you any way I can - and FB is just fine for that :)

  11. I think that all art is written in some sort of least the good art, in my opinion. If we were to truly know each and every mark it would make it boring. We need to search for ourselves in someone else's art, that which holds meaning for us. And your journal pages seem to really accomplish this Kim. I really don't know how you find the time to accomplish all that you do. You amaze me! And isn't it nice that you have managed to raise your children to know what needs to get done without your help? That is a job well done! After all: some day they will be raising a family and will need some quiet time all to themselves to be creative. You show them the best of all worlds...the creative and the mundane. But they all need to be done, each in their own time. Wonderful!

    1. Thank you Teri! I know you have definitely been here/done that :)

  12. What a patient person you are ... of course you needed to do something to preserve those wonderful pages and so you did!

    I enjoy how your artwork always makes me feel and I agree about not needing to explain...better for each person to get what they get from what we share...

    so glad you do share your amazing creativity ♥


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