
Sunday, February 23, 2014

letting in the light

I have another happy result to show you from the weekly art class I'm in. We were introduced to color via oil pastels. At first it was an exercise in frustration and I didn't really create anything I was happy with during class time - but discovered about myself that I need to work fast and loose and not overwork or overthink the color.

... the key for me is to get into "little kid mode," use my fingers a lot (ie: get MESSY), stay in the moment, and not set out with a finished product in mind.

The image quickly takes on a life of its own - and begins leading me down a path I didn't plan on.

These three pieces I created at home in the few days since the class. I've ordered a new box of pastels and am tentatively thinking that I may have found my favorite art medium ...


  1. Good Morning Kim,
    These are amazing . . . I love the bright and cheerful colors. The bottom one is my do gorgeous work.
    Have a happy day,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  2. LOVE the trees against the orange.......


  3. What a treat to be greeted by COLOR...bright, cheery color! Like oil finger painting...linseed oil keeps it fluid, and it's more stable if sealed with varnish too....very much fun this new and loose and free.

  4. I love these little projects. Isn't it nice when you discover a new play thing?

  5. I have some oil pastels, but I suspect yours are water soluble and mine are not. These drawings are fantastic. The colors are cheery, the compositions are fabulous, and the medium seems to agree with you. I can see lots of play time ahead with your new oil pastels.

    1. Hi Elizabeth - they're not water soluble - but what you see is a lot of layering and burnishing. I used my bone folder for that, but you can also use a spoon. Look for a tutorial soon ....

  6. I love the colors you've worked with and so look forward to your continued art in this "new" medium! I imagine it will, like all your other work, be wonderful --

  7. These are wonderful! I've always loved the look of oil pastels and maybe someday I'll try them, too. Can't wait to see where this journey takes you.

  8. How nice to hear that you're enjoying this so much :-)
    All are lovely, but I particularly like the line of green trees.

  9. Lovely drawings Kim! I have just 3 oil pastels that came in a box of misc supplies at a garage sale. I haven't really ever used them.
    My favorite is the one with the torn edges. It has a color negative like appearance to me...really outstanding.

  10. Your artwork makes my mouth water. I hope that doesn't sound creepy - I mean it in the best possible way. It is so creative, colorful and surprising that your postings are like looking at a gorgeous plate of gourmet food!

    1. That's a huge compliment Karen - maybe it's what I like to call "eye candy?"

  11. I like the long horizontal one very much. I tend to get a bit uptight when I begin a new technique too. Especially if I am trying to render something like a tree or an animal rather than something abstract. You did a wonderful job on these.

  12. Ah thos pale yellow green trees in landscape are marvelous....xox

  13. Love the yellow trees! I like both soft and oil pastels, and you can use them for brilliant collage additions too :)

  14. I have used craypas style pastels for many years in various ways. looks like you maybe diluted the wax with turps? If not, you can do that to get a similar effect.

    how do you post your etsy shop here. i've been away from blogging for awhile and can't remember. i reopended mine.

    1. Hi Sue - I didn't use turpenoid or mineral spirits, although I have done that before. I burnished the color in with a bone folder - then I dipped the finished paper in hot beeswax. I plan to make a tutorial soon. ...

      Etsy has a place on their site where you can create a widget. But, it's been so long,I don 't remember where I found that.

  15. Oh how wonderful to find a new favourite medium! I look forward to a potential tutorial. Lovely creations!

  16. i especially love that bottom landscape...beautiful and them all, really

  17. I've enjoyed you blog. You have so many great ideas. I'm going to have to try some of these out.


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