
Friday, December 6, 2013

saving some green

I forego the luscious evergreen wreaths every year.
Originally, I was motivated by pinching pennies.
But once I learned about evergreen poaching
it's super easy to turn up my nose and glide right past them in the market.

this year I snipped some holly and cedar from our own trees in the backyard
I stuck them in some woolen mittens - tied on a red ribbon accent - and there you have it
guilt free

and lest you think I have it all together over here
- I'll show you my whole porch -
rotting and frozen pumpkins and all


  1. Love it! And the yellow door!!
    Did you knit them yourself?

  2. your wreath is exquisite! and perfect on your yellow door...

  3. I love it! And I love your yellow door. And just so you know, last year I included pumpkins and poinsettias in my door decor -- this year, the pumpkins got pitched!

  4. Well that is super simple and super effective and cute!! Well done

  5. Great idea. I do things other than a wreath too. This I took a wire cone turned it upside down, put in cut branches from my cenizo (sage) bushes. Oh I love your yellow door too. We r planning on painting our old front door but havent decided on a color yet.

  6. We did get a Christmas tree from a tree farm, because I like to support local business, but I do the same, a snip of boxwood here and there and you can decorate quite nicely with almost nothing. Pretty mittens too. xox

  7. I love the idea of the greens in mittens! And I'm so glad you showed us your real.

  8. I haven't started any decorating here yet. December has been sprung upon me somehow. Whatever it will be, it will be easy, small, sweet and festive.
    Enjoy the season's beauties !

  9. Too cute! I think I may have to pinch this idea ;)

  10. Nice work, Kim
    Love the humility re pumpkins !


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