
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

a poem

When Sun is sleeping in,
a short timer before the layoff,

Frost is busy with busy work.

Warding off The Pink Slip,
Frost shoots off a memo to the Night.
His memo is clearly CYA, 
"Have you seen the things Frost has touched? The lovely work he has done? 
Unsurpassed by anyone else, particularly the Sun.'"

And HR takes note of his industry,
recommending that Frost be retained:
"Negotiate a lower wage,
may I suggest an increase in hours?
The pretty work that once required many,
is now being done by one."


I am fully intending to blog here more frequently, lest I become a short timer myself

here's to fresh starts and all that


  1. Your photos are remarkable, Kim -- and I, for one, look forward to increased posts!

  2. Sometimes its hard to tend to the blog. A thought crosses your mind and you think it will be a blog post, life gets busy and the thought passes. I hope you post more too!

  3. yes, the new year affords us another opportunity to commit. i look forward to your posts, and thank you for checking on my blog!
    your photos of frost are remarkable.

  4. fabulous frost photos dear Kimmie...

    more than ever I am finding it challenging to be all the places I want to be and do all of the things I would like to do...

    Happy December Dear One ♥

  5. Great poem about the frost and your photos are as always stunners. xox

  6. Gorgeous images...makes me shiver. xx


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