
Saturday, December 28, 2013

kitchen table

... in the last 3 days, we've completed two 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles and have moved on to board games ... this mom is loving the way the kitchen table is usurping iPods, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. Pretty cool how some things never change.


  1. Since I am on my ipad I guess I can't totally cheer, but it is so good for the kids and us to step away.....and see the real world in front of our eyes. Looks like agrest bosrd game, what is it? Happy upcoming New Year. xox



    I played with cousins every summer,
    lost in the sheer fun of it.

    What joy to pass go, and collect,
    for hours completely absorbed.

    I-Phone-less is the best retreat
    from digital distress to bliss.

  3. Hurray for board games and puzzles played in person with family and friends.

  4. Ah Settlers of Catan. We love that game! We have tons of board games and really enjoy that kind of "FaceTime".

  5. enjoy, it's so nice when family comes together without all the techie gadgets.

  6. The boys got this cool wooden board baseball game, and they've played it non-stop! While I wouldn't say there's been any less video playing, they admit that the game is super fun!

  7. We've only played one game of cribbage and one of chutes and ladders this break but today and tomorrow that will be changing. What game is pictured? I don't recognize it at all.

  8. It's Settlers of Catan. A game we've had for years, but only just recently dug it out again. It's very fun!


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