
Monday, December 30, 2013


I have an aversion to "Year in Review" things
they give me a sort of melancholy feeling

but here I am doing a year in review

it is actually very empowering
I'm quite surprised that I was able to squeeze as much life out of 2013 as I did


goodbye 2013 it's been One Fine Year


  1. beautiful. thanks for sharing and putting the photo collage together. happy new year.

  2. Everything you do is so inspiring! Thank you for always sharing your lovely images and tutorials Kim! Happy New Year!

  3. I'm with you....reviewing the year seems a little sad, but don't want to analyse it too much. Probably being "thankful" is a much better way to feel. Anyway, I'm thankful you have made this review because all your images and associated activities have brought me joy and inspiration, so thank you and a happy 2014 !! xx

  4. Ha indeed! Precisely my plan for tomorrows post. Great minds think alike/ Or, is it great hearts?! Totally beautiful choices for the review....and I love the layout.

    Best to you as the year closes/and opens into it's new manifestations.

  5. i love your year in review! best wishes for a wonderful 2014. happy new year.

  6. I'm so glad that you did a "year in review" because it's just beautiful to see your art and photography all at once. I will linger on each photo, I think, remembering it and seeing it anew!

  7. Thanks for sharing so much inspiration all year long. Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks for sharing so much inspiration all year long. Happy New Year!

  9. I'm glad you decided to do a year in review anyway. Lots of beautiful photos...
    Happy New Year!!!

  10. Endings always make me a little sad until I remember that they lead to new beginnings...
    L♥vely getting to spend another year with you dear Kimmie and get to see the world through your artful eyes...
    Thank you for sharing
    here's to another creative and fun year...

  11. All your projects look wonderful together. You are most inventive always and a true repurposer....happy 2014 and hope the year brings many more creative wonders. xox

  12. All your projects look wonderful together. You are most inventive always and a true repurposer....happy 2014 and hope the year brings many more creative wonders. xox

  13. All your projects look wonderful together. You are most inventive always and a true repurposer....happy 2014 and hope the year brings many more creative wonders. xox

  14. All your projects look wonderful together. You are most inventive always and a true repurposer....happy 2014 and hope the year brings many more creative wonders. xox

  15. All your projects look wonderful together. You are most inventive always and a true repurposer....happy 2014 and hope the year brings many more creative wonders. xox


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