
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

a new day

and a new week

what I'm working on:
art journal page,
painted stones,
stitching with pliers.
... did I get you with that one?

I'll tell you later - but for now I have some catching up to do in blogland


  1. Yikes! Stitching with pliers! Sounds like hard work. Looking forward to seeing all your projects.

  2. yes, you have me with that one... but lucky you, something to photograph... with FLOWERS!!

  3. Beautiful flowers! Metal of any kind are what you do well and I'm sure the wire creation that you stitch will be wonderful. I for one, can't wait to see it. You are such a tease....heehee.:)
    Thanks for stopping at my blog. Well, the 56 degree mornings have gone up to the 70's, but we are getting a cold front again. Yay! Hot days already here, today in the 90's. But we're used to it I guess.

  4. Yes, I can't wait to read what you have going with those pliers and sewing.

    BTW, I LOVE the Kansas photo from below. I want to create a quiltlet like that!!

  5. Some metal thread? Nice azalea some day ours will bloom! xox

  6. If you are stitching with pliers, there must be wired involved. :) You are always up to some very interesting and creative. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  7. Lovely to see spring popping in your neck of the woods ... such a glorious time of year!


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....