
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

staying in

it's day three of steady rain

... a good thing if you're a duck ...

my herb garden is ponding

and I'm off my New Year's resolution to walk every day
so I'm staying in and making things

about the photo storage limits on blogspot:
the best solution seems to be keeping your photos at a maximum 800 pixels height or width
(the storage is free for that size)
and if you are over the limit or nearing it, either start deleting or start paying
I found my storage information at the very bottom of my PicasaWeb account page
I also found it on my Google+ account information page

Thank you everyone for your comments and feedback!
I think it was a very helpful discussion!
If you are new to this conversation and want to read all of the comments,
please visit this post: photo storage question


  1. love the picture thru the screen. it's really been nasty here today also. but it sounds like the temp is going to start dropping again. happy new year.

  2. glad you're inside cozy and creating...hope the sunshine finds you soon


  3. Wow. Your garden is that green this time of year? I guess it doesn't get as cold there as I thought. We would love three days of rain here. The drought has been tough. Making things sounds like a good solution to the dreariness though. :)

  4. We are having many days of drizzly rain too. I love it. The days are cool, but not cold and the nights are cooler, just right for good sleeping. Love your photos Kimmie. Hey I got a new camera for Christmas and I love it. Nikon coolpix 26 optical zoom, for the birds of course. :) Hope you are staying well and missing the flu stuff going around everywhere. So far we are. Yay!

  5. Looks like you are having our weather or we are having yours, either way, our forecast shows no end in sight for the rest of the week and into the new one. Blast it. Your tea looks comforting and so do your raining hearts. Hope we both enjoy some sunshine in our cups, soon.

  6. Doesn't look like we will be walking this weekend either as it is still dusty out there and has gotten a bit blustery and colder, too. So I shall be following your lead and creating the days away. That's perfectly alright with me. :) Stay dry and warm. Tammy

  7. Sweet garland. Yes ducks love rain and more importantly muck! They would be happily patting the water in your herb garden hoping to scare up some worms to eat. I love to watch them do that in the back yard. xox

  8. Icky rain ! We have a mild spell here in NH, and no precipitation right now which has been a treat this week.
    I am sure you are finding all kinds of sweet things to create in your nest.
    Hoping for sunshine for you soon !
    Happy Thursday !

  9. all that rain is a good thing with all your forests to feed... and making things is a good substitute for a walk! ah, the storage thing... each year I delete the old year, I think I only keep a couple of years of posts on my blog... and it works pretty well...x

  10. We're getting rain here today as well. It's weird to be at 38° in January.
    Love the heart garlands.


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