
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

going for a dip

... oh don't I wish

actually, here I am dipping things into beeswax again

(please don't look too closely at the sink full of dishes in the background!)

I'm dipping hydrangeas again, but this time I'm dipping a whole section at a time
(see THIS previous post for an earlier hydrangeas in beeswax session)
another change: I'm using a mini crockpot for melting the wax

and today is a particularly photogenic day with all the afternoon sunshine
- wee hah -
I'm soaking it up

aren't they pretty in an old jar?
I also love how they look in a simple bowl on the table

pure loveliness in my view


  1. Such a neat idea! I just happened to have melted bees wax just yesterday and poured it into a candle...hum now I'm going to have to get it out again and try this! Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. So pretty. The colors are gorgeous. How long do they last?

  3. Oh my, that one pic with the sun hitting the drop of wax is aaaamazing! Beautiful stuff friend. :0)

    What dirty dishes? Was there anything but amazing flowers in there?

  4. Wax always seem to make everything so pretty! Your hydrangea petals are lovely, nature is the best design!

  5. Gorgeous photos!! I bet those petals smell divine...

  6. What a great way to wax flowers. I usually just paint them and add to my collages but I like your way better.

    I went to your earlier post on "how to" and love the hanging waxed flower mobile. Thanks so much for this neat trick.

  7. I hope the sun will greet you for many more days. Hydrangeas are beautiful in any form. Have fun playing and creating. Best wishes, Tammy

  8. I wish there was a "like" button for comments on blogger, Jean would get one from me! these are wonderful and yes, a mini crock pot is perfect for wax I completely agree... and what dishes? where? lol

  9. so beautiful...thank you for the inspiration. peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  10. I am always amazed at the colors of the blossoms and how they can vary so much, I can smell the beewax from here. Currently snowing so this vestige of fall is welcoming. xox

  11. Those photos are simply gorgeous... I wish I had your eye for composition!!!

  12. What gorgeous beeswax and sunshine images, Kim ! Yummy ! How I wish I had smell-o-screen.
    I didn't notice your dishes until you said something. Lord knows there are too many wonderful arty things to be doing to worry too much about dishes. ;-)
    Happy Thursday !


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