
Saturday, September 1, 2012

a cloud in my coffee*

my tea is not tea
and it's not tuesday - it's saturday
so what's up with that?

I've gained some blogging perspective over the summer
and want to keep blogging with joy and without obligation
so, tea on tuesday is no more
which is to say there's nothing stopping you from posting about tea and doing it on tuesdays

... and my morning cuppa is frequent inspiration for me ...
photographically and philosophically
... so you can still sip with me - it just won't be every tuesday like clockwork ...

*"Clouds in my coffee" are the confusing aspects of life and love. That which you can't see through, and yet seems alluring...until. Like a mirage that turns into a dry patch. Perhaps there is something in the bottom of the coffee cup that you could read if you could (like tea leaves or coffee grinds). Carly Simon 5/17/01


  1. I love that Carly Simon quote -- and you only can make a coffee press look stunningly beautiful!

    I just love your photography, your eye --

  2. Carly is so wise! I know what you mean about blogging without obligation. That's one of the reasons I took a break last year... just when I had all the time in the world to create and blog. I lost my motivation... It's better to be able to blog freely without a meme.

  3. I love reflection photos! Yeay!!!! Mary helen

  4. Your reflections are always beautiful. And your coffee press looks beautiful in this setting.

    I am saddened that we will no longer meet here for Tuesday Tea, but I will continue each week, since it has become a real habit for me.

  5. Sing it Carley !! I always wondered about that song, the meaning, now it makes good sense. Have you heard Carly and Janet Jackson sing/rap this song's "cool". Love your first photo, just wonderful. Doesn't matter if there is no tea Tuesday, I'll still be a regular visitor. ( I could never keep up with the TOT posts, I'm not organised enough lol. xx

  6. Enjoyed your clouds in coffee thoughts :)

  7. Wonderful photo! :)

    I don't blame you. I have a hard time joining in with anything that is on a certain day of the week. Blogging should be fun. When it starts to not be fun--change things up. ;)

    Have a super Sunday! :)

  8. love your photos and your desire to be serendipitous. makes it more fun for the readers too, never knowing what to expect.

    thanks for the Carly Simon quote.

  9. I'm sorry to hear that there won't be Tea on Tuesday, but I completely understand. Over the past couple of years, I've stopped doing many things because I didn't want to feel obligated. I want my time to be for me, to do with as I please. It's bad enough I have to work. Ha! Just kidding (most of the time I really like my job). :) Of course, I will still be dropping by to see what you and others are up to as I've met some very nice, artistic folks through the tea posts. Wishing you a great day. Tammy

  10. Nice cup of joe! Pretty cup it is. Drink, seek shift. Love it. Looking forward to your new posts whatever and whenever they may be. xox

  11. Whenever or whatever you post will be fine by me Kimmie...I always love your posts and your photographs are please keep them coming ;D
    Have a wonderful week xoxo

  12. I kind of felt it coming ;-)
    tea is best when you need it anyway. Thanks for hosting for so long! it was indeed fun and I met some incredible bloggers through it. I still post tea and coffee and drink posts from time to time but it is nice not to feel obligated.
    Have a wonderful week!

  13. I've been missing all of my link up parties this summer too. I'm not sure where I've been or where I am going but I know that it will be a beautiful journey. Beautiful entry today.

  14. You know when I started blogging I wanted to host a regular party and did a one year once a month thing and that was fun. But, egad am I glad I'm not obligated to a weekly gig. I couldn't even take the pressure of being a participant regularly here or on any party...."It's my blog and I'll party when I want to" sung to the tune of "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to"...

  15. I think obligation is just the most awful feeling... and so glad you are going to shower us with your wonderful work without feeling like your week has a have to in it... and lets be honest tea is pretty much all day and every day for most of us anyway... nothing like abit of time away to give us some perspective... glad you made the most of it...xx

  16. it is always fun visiting you Kimmie...
    I must say I never looked at T on Tuesdays as an "obligation" ... but more something I looked forward to and helped me keep a blogging rhythm actually...
    but nothing lasts forever...
    and feeling free and doing what pleases you is exactly what you should be doing!

    I've been away with some catching up to do after being unplugged
    Happy September!

  17. I find that the only time this summer I was drawn to post WAS on Tuesday - because it did feel like an obligation, a reason to get me to post and people might show up regularly........ I see your point, and will be posting more often- not just Tuesday - and will be watching for your posts!!!


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....