
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

tea on the steps

first of all, what I'm having:

I found a really good organic plain old black tea
... at my store it's only 4.99 for a box of 100 ...
(God bless Paul Newman)

my morning cuppa was on the front steps this morning
sitting next to the potted mint
(which must be potted - or it becomes the alpha plant in the garden)

the info about how to make the mint marker is HERE
and the pinwheel was easy to make out of an aluminum can
(just look for a paper pinwheel pattern and do the same thing using aluminum)

I quickly became distracted with the miniature world in my rock and shell boxes
... I'm glad the snail is more at home here than in my mint plant!

these oyster shells are from a barbecue last year
raw oysters - one of my all time favorite foods
it tastes just like the ocean in your mouth and transports me back to my body surfing days


and the sky this morning?
it's an oyster shell overhead



  1. how perfectly lovely to get 'sit' on your front step with you Kimmie!

    and what a special spot it is

    Paul Newman TEA...where have I been...we are fans of his chocolates and speaking of chocolates one of your rocks looks like a piece of fudge ;)

    pretty snail and shells and your garden markers are super ... you are so creative and inspiring ... the pinwheel is the bees knees :)

    Happy T day to you from across the miles
    oh and here is my offering for today:

  2. Looks like a wonderful morning cuppa! Love you boxes! Are they out of the weather?

  3. Looks like that tag you made is rusting nicely. It still looks super.

    Paul Newman tea? That's such a good price, too. Of course, being organic makes it even better, and black tea should make the tea bags have a life of their own.

    Love the shells. I used to have a bunch of these, but got rid of them. I suspect you have a better use for them than I had.

    Have a great tea Tuesday and here is my entry:

  4. i love a girl who sees oyster shells in the welcoming sky.
    not to mention one who will admit her crush for salty mouthfuls of raw sea delicacies.
    one of those you either love them or squeamishly resist them.
    i am in your i love them camp!

  5. Although I don't like raw oysters (fried or roasted - yum!) I love those crusty oyster shells embedded with all those smaller shells. I can't help picking up the more interesting ones and placing them on my potted plants. Lovely photos - I'll have to try that tea.

  6. I feel the same about oysters! I could eat them breakfast, lunch and dinner! Once I had a "Hangtown Mary" down at Lowell's at Pikes Market and it had an oyster...I knew then that I was meant to live up here when I started having oysters for breakfast! Enjoy your tea!

  7. I do love stopping by for tea, lovely and yes I adore oysters, your last photo is just beautiful!

  8. I come here not for tea but to see your lovely photos and you never ever disappoint!

  9. I hope you are having a beautiful tea day. The view from your steps makes me so content and I love your oyster shells! I want to locate some of Newman's tea locally but you can keep the raw oysters. Mine have to be cooked :) .


    I'm back!!! for tea, yay!
    I love me some Paul Newman as well. Lots of cuteness surrounding your mint. I planted some Spearmint this year and am hoping it takes over where I put it and I have Chocolate mint that runs wild around the pond in the front yard (it's a tiny pond, don't get exited, lol). And regular peppermint is found here and there throughout my wildflower garden. I guess I don't mind much if it goes a bit bizurk after a couple of years it eventually tames itself down.
    Happy t on t to you and the rest of the girlies!

  11. God Bless Paul Newman is right!!! Nice to have that first cup of tea outside. I decided this year that mint would make a good ground cover -- let it go!!!!! Love the mint sign and the pinwheel ... fun!

  12. SPLENDID! I love the oyster shell cloud! Its great it cooperated for the theme of the day!! Glad you had a wonderful tea to enjoy with such a delightful morning. I loved the mint and your collections. A wonderful tea time!

  13. What a lovely way to start the day. That mint looks fantastic. I can only grow it here during the winter months. Wasn't able to find many shells when were at the beach in Sri Lanka. I see you have some smooth stones there, too -- any plans for painting them? I don't eat oysters anymore, but hubby and I used to get a shot called SOS from a seafood place in Slidell, LA (outside New Orleans). It was vodka, with a raw oyster and a dash of Tabasco. Sure was good way back then. :) Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  14. Paul Newman Tea... and did Patty mention chocolates as well... I need to visit your shores... love all the photos... you paint such a great atmosphere with your posts... and that book cover in the last post was stunning... happy Tea day

    my post is here

  15. how perfect it is to sip tea on your front step and ...relaxing and the beautiful sky coud bring you to blissville anytime....
    have a wonderful week, dear Kimmie....
    warm hugs..

  16. Such a pretty many beautiful images. I adore your mint sign and the aluminium pin wheel, the tea sounds like my kind of tea, not flowery or mixed up with fruits and your box of collected sea treasures is just lovely as is that perfect "oyster" sky. Ah, thanks for sharing tea with me today Kimmie, I feel very calm and relaxed after visiting you this morning. xx

  17. What a wonderful way to start the day Kimmie.
    I'm always intrigued to read your Tea Tuesday's posts because I'm such a boring old 'f**t' when it comes to drinking tea. I tend to stick to the same kind and don't venture into all the flavours and different varieties.
    I don't think you can go wrong with Paul Newman though ;D
    Loved the shells (I think I've just realised I have a thing about them) and that sky is spectacular!
    Carry on enjoying your tea and have a great day :D

  18. Oh I'd love to sit and look through those boxes of goodies with you.
    Hope you had a great day!

  19. Did it rain?

    Love the oyster shells ... I'd have never thought to use them in the garden. Can't say I'm keen on oysters though!

  20. Maybe oysters is an acquired taste because every time I have tried them, I just gag. Too slimy! Then, maybe I don't like the ocean in my mouth. The ocean has always kind of scared me to be in it, unlike you with your body surfing!

  21. that sky shot is so luscious! i love gnarly oyster shells and cool...

  22. Memories of the sea, I still love going to 'the Coast' when I was young, we spent many days walking various beach areas, 'picking' shells :)


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