
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

small & fragile

small things bring the greatest wonder
fragile ones need the greatest protection


  1. i found a dried up hydrangea blossom blown under a bush the other day, it looked like your leaf only it's the whole flower cluster. it's sitting on my work desk next to a canvas, i have to find a place to use it.

  2. I love it that you saw this tiny leaf and treated it with love.!

  3. what a great way to keep it safe! I often have delicate leaves and this idea. Thanks for sharing.xlynda

  4. Speaks to the rewards of taking the time to be aware in the moment.

  5. OMGosh! What a tiny skeletal leaf! And a perfect place to store it. Priceless! :)

  6. There is always so much to delight in when something is it the vulnerability.....I don't know, but your photo is beautiful. Now on to a matter totally different...I was very impressed that your hubby even knows who The Crows are ! But, we have 2 teams from South Australia in the National Football League and we barrack for the other one, The Power ! Of course when they're not playing each other we "go the Crows". xx

  7. Simple elegance in leaf skeletons! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  8. You are so good at noticing. xox

  9. Here I was wondering what it was. I'm so glad everyone who commented seemed to know, except me of course. I knew it was lovely, that was all that mattered.


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