
Monday, April 16, 2012

at my table

tea and flowers

bleeding heart and tulips from the garden

my tea is half sipped by now

but there is more in the pot
(bengal spice with a splash of milk)

and just so you know that my simple life is not so simple ...

I have evidence:

the ever-present algebra book
(at least it isn't mine)


what is ever-present in your not so simple life?
off to the edge and not making it into every photo op and blog post?


  1. My heart bleeds for anyone having to learn algebra.

  2. Kimmie, your photographs are just so lovely and those bleeding hearts are wonderful... Phoebe spent the morning doing applied maths for her AP class and I must admit as I sat with my tea I didn't understand a word she said... just nodded and tried to look like I had a clue... Texts left on the table drive me nuts actually... it is my pet peeve... you somehow made it look lovely sitting there... happy Tea Tuesday...xx

    my post is at

  3. I have never seen 'bleeding hearts' before...they are AMAZING !! So perfectly shaped. Are they difficult to grow, most things that look that beautiful usually are. And Kimmie your garden markers from your previous post are just so cute, with so much character in amongst those gorgeous blue forget me nots, you are a clever girl. xx

  4. they are lovely photos. i like the large format especially. flowers from the garden already!! lucky you.

    whew, to the fact that algebra is no longer a task in my life. ha.

  5. your bleeding heart is wonderful ... such a good idea to bring some inside to enjoy too!

    I have not fond memories of learning fact it was in that math class when the announcement that JFK had been shot came over the loud speaker...
    outside every photo in my life is STUFF too much stuff ;)

    here is my
    Tea on Tuesday

    wishing you and yours a happy one

  6. oops seems my link did not work...

  7. Ever present in my not-so-simple life? Dog hair. I am vacuuming it up today. I don't think you want to see photos of THAT! heehee

    Your bleeding hearts are photo PERFECT!

    I'm actually posting about tea today-- sort of.
    Tea Inspired, anyway!

  8. Oh wow! That bleeding heart is absolutely gorgeous! I've got messes all over the place. Mostly crafty, yarn messes and such -- so it's all good. :) My son is having a hard time with 11th grade math this year but I received an email from his teacher today that he did really well on the last test, so that's good news. Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday! Tammy

  9. It's funny how I did so well in Algebra in school and now I don't remember a thing about it. Your flowers are so pretty. Right now I have about a hundred unusual old bottles that were given to me. They are everywhere. I'm trying to go through them, clean them up and decide which ones to keep. A local lady had, (collected, hoarded) about 20 boxes of every size and shape you can imagine. Have a happy tea day.

  10. Once again, I applaud your incredible photography skills. I SO love the close ups you manage. That is what I miss about that Kodak I owned.

    Your bleeding heart is awesome. I owned one once, but it died one spring when I allowed my plants to go outside too soon.

    Ever present in my pretty simple life, and not a part of most photo ops or blog posts is the guy whose picture you see anytime I leave a comment (grin).

    Here's my tea post this week:

  11. beautiful bleeding hearts and the shot of the two handles as a heart, so glad i don't have algebra in my life...

  12. Lovely to see the bleeding hearts, mine are rising but no flowery hearts hanging yet. Love your tablecloth. Algebra = tutor for me, but then I got it - whew finally. xox

  13. The bleeding hearts are stunning! I hated Algebra.
    Constant in my life that doesn't get a lick of focus on the thermal coffee mug. ;)

  14. i can't believe you have bleeding hearts from your garden already. mine are up but no blooms yet.

    enjoy your tea today. i've got my usual chai.

  15. The moldy cabinets and broken dishwasher I am replacing!
    Love your post. Bleeding heart are one of my favorite flowers. You captured a perfect picture of them.

  16. I love bleeding hearts! Since I'm so late I decided to answer your question with my post.
    BTW--I'm right there with you with the Algebra. Was helping with Y intercepts and slopes on Monday.

  17. Laughing at the algebra! Thanks for the spot of fun!

  18. Oh I love how you worded that, "what's off to the edge...ever present"...hmm...unfinished projects, dishes, laundry, worry about kids....
    Maybe that's why I love photography. You can create your own little world in that little viewfinder.
    Happy day, friend!


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