
Monday, April 30, 2012


I don't usually give you much detail about my tea
... today's tea is Ginger Bounce Rooibos ...
I've had it in my tea collection for a little while

I bought it without knowing whether or not it's organic
if it doesn't say organic, it probably isn't, right?

after reading THIS article - I realized the importance of buying only organic tea

at least the lilacs from our garden are organic
(we don't eat those - but it still matters)

here's to drinking tea worry free
and realizing it's never too late to start


how do you feel about organics?
sometimes it is more expensive - right?
but I'm thinking if it sits in boiling water for a few minutes and then I drink it
I want it to be 

j u s t 
t e a

 not chemicals


  1. EEKS! What about when We go to Chinese restaurants?We can control it at home but I love really like to have tea out too.Enjoyed your enchanting photos,lovely. Denise

  2. I really try to buy organic as much as possible with all kinds of foods. But it is usually more expensive, that's true. I'm with you--I want to ingest chemical free as often as possible. ;)

    Lovely photos!! :)

  3. I am too scared to go and read the article.... what if my favourites are really really bad... going to need to have a cuppa to be strong enough... the lilacs are so lovely and your photos , as always, are amazing... have a great Tea Tuesday...xx

    my Tea post is

  4. I can smell those lilacs all the way down here.

    And I try to buy organic, always, but sometimes it's just plain difficult.

  5. we have chosen organic as often as possible over the years ... what we put into our bodies and on our bodies surely must count for something :)

    your photography makes me sighhh...your white lilacs are gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing so sweetly

    Happy T to you and yours Kimmie

    here I am up bright and early this morning:


  6. i primarily drink organic tea except for some occasional black tea. but that is maybe not from china.

    lilacs??? wow. lucky you.

  7. My daughter religiously buys organic all the so much.......its just not high on my list of priorities....i cannot bring myself to pay more for it. If the price were comparable i would choose organic.

  8. I took time to read about organic tea in China and was not surprised when Lipton was one of the offenders. I'm just not a Lipton fan. However, even though I buy the majority of my tea (and all my loose leaf tea) at the Spice Merchant, I don't see anything about organic on their web site. You would think with the prices they charge for their tea, it would be made in heaven and harvested by angels (grin).

    I'm off to look for a camera today. It will be fun to see what I can buy that is affordable (affordable for ME, that is). And here's my play on words for today's tea post:

  9. I forgot to mention, that is why I grow as many of my own veggies as possible in the summer. Since I've NEVER used pesticides, and since there are no other gardens close by to experience "runoff" or "overspray," I KNOW my veggies and herbs are organic!!

  10. I buy organic when I can also, or I buy products at a health food store, thinking that those products are a bit better. Now I'm not sure about that. I guess you have to be careful with everything. It makes you wonder how this was allowed in the first place. Enjoy your organic tea and so will I.

  11. Thanks for this info. I had to look at my tea stash. It is difficult to know what we are getting especially when many of the products omit information. I bet it isn't organic unless it says so. I would really like to know where my tea comes from. Have a nice Tuesday tea.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I try to buy organics for the "Dirty Dozen" in the fresh produce section. It's not always affordable though.
    Yet another crazy Tuesday for least I could stop over and see your beautiful photos!!!!
    Seriously! Those Coolpix take wonderful photos.

  14. so was there much of a ginger taste to the tea? sounds interesting.

  15. Great post Kimmie. I love the photo of the tea pot handle and vase, but all your photos are gorgeous, bright and sunny; the perfect environment for drinking tea. You have me on a mission now to source only organic tea and to read labels carefully, oh why does life have to be so complicated...tea drinking was always just a 'simple pleasure' now even that is fraught with danger, think I need a cup now, better check it first. Happy Tuesday Tea. xx

  16. oo such gorgeous photos!! how clean & fresh...i can almost smell your perfect lilacs! happy t day!

  17. your white lilacs....

  18. Thanks for the tip on the Coolpix. My Canon Power Shot just bombed out and I'm looking for a new one. The pictures you take for your blog are amazing. Hopefully I will be able to achieve getting some good ones with the Coolpix too.

  19. i DO love your photos :) The lilacs are pure white and green!
    Unlike some of the tea? Goodness, I'll be checking my teas a little closer. I do try to buy organic in stores and I can hardly wait..this month the farmers market starts. Things up here are just starting to grow...I have some daffodils, the leaves are coming out on the trees :)
    Hoping to join you for tea on tuesday!

  20. oh you are so good at styling and your photos make me think I can smell those lilacs! I stopped buying things from china when the pet food scandal happened, but so many things have chinese ingredients and that is scary... organic is the only way to go!


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