
Sunday, April 1, 2012

drifting petals

it's petal season

and they drift like snow in the cracks of the sidewalk

 I'll be drifting in blogland this week 
- in and out -
the kids aren't in school
the garden is calling
family plans are hatching
we are all like petals floating through the air


... tea is about the only dependable routine ...

I will see you on tuesday - ok?


  1. All blossom is beautiful. Love your photo of 'carpet' blossom, so pretty on the harsh,grey concrete. Our trees are meant to be turning red and gold as we have already had 1 month of Autumn but there is no evidence of that yet, summer just seems to want to stick around....there has been no rain and the days have been warm, I am getting a little worried, not that I can do anything about it ha. Enjoy your time with your kids, your garden and your family. xx

  2. So pretty...can hardly wait until that time here. Love to stand under the limbs and listen to the buzzing of the bees hard at work. Our flowering trees are just starting to get the first hints of leaves.

  3. Pink snow! Enjoy the spring and see you Tuesday. :)

  4. Beautiful blossom! I love that time of year but sadly I'll have to wait a few months before it's our turn again. Enjoy :D

  5. I just got back from a week in D.C., and we just missed the cherry blossoms ON the trees but saw a whole lot of petals on the ground. Gorgeous.

  6. I love this pink petal story in is a flutter of much...your tea Tuesdays stablity!

  7. It's cold and windy here today and when I got in my car this morning I thought for a second it was snowing. It was petals! Much nicer than snow!

  8. Ohhh looks like confetti.....beautiful and natural!

  9. So lovely, ours are just beginning here!

  10. Ah! Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the beauty.


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